North Korea, Iran World’s “Top Persecutors” Of Christians, Report Says
By BosNewsLife News Center with BosNewsLife's Senior Special Correspondent Johan Th. Bos reporting from the Netherlands
AMSTERDAM/WASHINGTON D.C. (BosNewsLife)-- One of the world's largest mission agencies, Open Doors, named North Korea and Iran Wednesday, November 6, as "the worst persecutors of Christians".

BosNewsLife’s Week in Review: Christians Worship As Islamic Militants Attack And Kill (Nov.11-17)
By BosNewsLife News Center
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- The November 11-17 newsweek was marked by reports of Islamic militants attacking churches and, in at least one case, beheading a young Christian man "for leaving Islam", though believers continued to gather in worship expressing their faith in Christ and in their future.

Kidnapped Italian Nuns Freed; “Prayers Answered”
By BosNewsLife News Center
NAIROBI, KENYA (BosNewsLife)-- Two Italian nuns kidnapped by Somali gunmen in a cross-border raid into Kenya in November were spent another day in freedom Thursday, February 26, after they were suddenly freed, missionaries confirmed.
Thousands of Christians Killed For Faith In 2013
By BosNewsLife News Center
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Thousands of Christians have died for their faith in the past year, twice more than in 2012, according to Open Doors International’s 2014 World Watch List. Open Doors International, a charity supporting Christians persecuted for their faith, said 2,123 Christians were reported to have been killed during 12 months ending October 31, 2014.

Somalia Militants Behead Christian Man
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic fighters from the militant al-Shabab group in Somalia have beheaded a Christian on the outskirts of the war-torn nation's capital Mogadishu, a Christian news agency reported Wednesday, February 8.

NEWS ALERT: Somalia Militants Kill Church Leader; Crackdown On “Non-Islamic Culture”
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Somalia's feared Islamic militant group al-Shabab has warned Christians and other residents that it will crackdown on "non-Islamic culture" across the country, after its fighters reportedly killed another Christian leader and destroyed a tomb of a moderate Muslim cleric.

By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Somalia's feared Islamic militant group al-Shabab has warned Christians and other residents that it will crackdown on "non-Islamic culture" across the country, after its fighters reportedly killed another Christian leader and destroyed a tomb of an apparently moderate Muslim cleric.
Somalia Militants Flogging Woman Over Christian Conversion
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- A Somali woman, who converted from Islam to Christianity. was nursing her injuries Wednesday, January 11, after she was reportedly paraded before a cheering crowd and publicly flogged as a punishment for embracing a “foreign religion.”

BREAKING NEWS: Somalia Christian Killed For Carrying Bibles
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with additional reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic militants have shot and killed a long-time underground Christian in Somalia after finding Bibles in his possession, BosNewsLife learned Sunday, September 20.

NEWS WATCH: Somalia Pirates Release Ukrainian Ship
Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife at BosNewsLife News Center
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Ukraine says a cargo ship laden with weapons, which was held by pirates off the coast of Somalia since September, has been freed, BosNewsLife monitored Friday, February 6.

NEWS WATCH: Somali Charged With Attempted Murder of Danish Cartoonist
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
BUDAPEST/COPENHAGEN (BosNewsLife)-- A Somali man with alleged links to terrorist groups al-Shabab and al-Qaida has been charged with an attempt to kill a Danish cartoonist whose depiction of the Prophet Muhammed sparked outrage in the Muslim world.