Jailed Uzbek Pastor Faces Extradition From Kazakhstan

By BosNewsLife News Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos ASTANA/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Kazakhstan has detained an Uzbek house church pastor who is wanted in his home country for "illegal" religious teaching and Christian literature distribution, according to local Christians and rights activists.

Kazakhstan Court Rules Against Destruction Bibles; Christians Fined

By BosNewsLife News Center Kazakhstan-president-Nursultan-NazarbayevASTANA/BUDAPEST (BosNewslife)-- An appeals court in autocratically-ruled Kazakhstan has overturned a ruling that 121 pieces of Christian literature, including Bibles, that were seized from a street evangelist be destroyed.

BREAKING NEWS: Kazakhstan Lawmakers Adopt “Repressive” Religion Law

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife BUDAPEST/ASTANA (BosNewsLife)-- Lawmakers in Kazakhstan have voted for controversial legislation that Christians and rights activists say will further limit religious freedom in the mainly Muslim Central Asian state.

Detained Baptist Pastors Face Uncertainty In Kazakhstan And Azerbaijan (UPDATE)

(ADDS LATEST DETAILS ON EXPECTED HEARING OF BAPTIST PASTOR)BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Two Baptist pastors in two former Soviet republics faced legal challenges Monday, November 3, because they continued worship services despite opposition from local authorities, Christians and rights watchers said.

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan Crackdown On Evangelical Churches

By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest BAKU/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Authorities in Azerbaijan continued preparations Tuesday, March 13, to close down an evangelical church in the first such reported incident since the former Soviet republic introduced harsh religious legislation in 2009, rights activists said.

NEWS WATCH: Kazakhstan President Re-election Expected Amid Uncertainty

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent _PARLIAMEN_2109549b ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev was set to renew his 26-year grip on power in elections on a pledge to offer the multi-ethnic Central Asian state economic and social stability in return for what rights groups call "systematic suppression" of opposition and devoted Christians.

Baptist Congregation Appeals Against Closure

By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest ti-lgflag1DUSHANBE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Members of a Baptist congregation in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe have appealed to the City Court against a ban on their activity, which was apparently imposed because they meet in a private home without state registration, BosNewsLife learned Wednesday, December 2.

Kazakhstan Frees “Tortured” Pastor From Prison

By BosNewsLife News Center kazakh-pastor-4x3 (1)ASTANA/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- An evangelical pastor who was detained and tortured in a Kazakhstan prison following a controversial trial has been conditionally released, rights activists told BosNewsLife Tuesday, February 18.

Religious Freedom Tightening in Former Soviet Republics (COLUMN)

By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Columnist martyr MOSCOW, RUSSIA (BosNewsLife Columns)-- The 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union sparked hopes among Christians for a new era of religious freedom. Sadly, these dreams have been only partially realized. This has been confirmed in the 2016 Open Doors World Watch List of the 50 countries where Christians are most severely persecuted for their faith.

Concerns Over Detained Kazakhstan Pastor After ‘Soviet-Style Psychological’ Treatment (Update)

By BosNewsLife News Center reukazakhstanpresident_BUDAPEST/ASTANA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians remained worried Friday, September 20, about an evangelical pastor in Kazakhstan amid reports that he underwent forced psychological treatment and harsh interrogation following his detention in May on "trumped-up charges".