Russia Closing Evangelical Church; Targets Groups
By BosNewsLife News Center
MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Evangelical Churches and Christian groups in Russia that are involved educational, social and charitable work are facing harassment from authorities resembling the Soviet-era, rights activists say. One church was reportedly liquidated over alleged illegal "non-religious educational activity", in the heavily Orthodox, post-Communist nation.

NEWS WATCH: Russia’s Parliament Approves Military Action in Ukraine
Listen to this BosNewsLife via Vatican Radio: 
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent
KYIV, UKRAINE (BosNewsLife)--Russian President Vladimir Putin has received parliamentary approval for military action in neighboring Ukraine, where thousands of Russian forces have landed on the Crimean Peninsula. It comes amid tensions elsewhere including in Ukraine's eastern city of Kharkiv where dozens were injured when a pro-Russian protest turned violent, with demonstrators trying to storm the local government building.

Russian Orthodox Church Enthrones New Leader
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife, reporting from Budapest
MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- The Russian Orthodox Church enthroned Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad Sunday, February 1, the 16th patriarch of at least an estimated 75 million followers, amid pressures to overcome internal divisions and to reach out to non-Orthodox believers.

Christian-Muslim Tensions Feared in Russia after Train Blast and Killing Priest
By BosNewsLife News Center
MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- There were fears Sunday, November 29, of more tensions between Christians and Muslims in Russia after suspected Islamist rebels bombed a train that killed 25 people and a gunmen murdered a missionary priest.

NEWS WATCH: Russia Frees ‘Spy’ Scientist From Siberian Prison
Listen to this BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio: 
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- A Russian scientist who was sentenced on charges of spying for China has been released on parole after nearly a decade behind bars in Siberia. Valentin Danilov and his supporters view the case as another crackdown by the Kremlin on perceived opponents.

URGENT BREAKING NEWS: Russia’s Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II Dies At 79 (UPDATE)
By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
MOSCOW/BUDAPEST-- Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II, who oversaw the post-Soviet revival of the Christian faith after decades of Communism but was accused of encouraging nationalism, died early Friday, December 5, at his residence at the age of 79, his church said.

Russia Banning Christian Education
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
BUDAPEST/MOSCOW (BosNewsLife)-- Russia has stripped several Christian institutions of their right to offer higher education, several sources...