BosNewsLife Asia Service

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)– A 17-year-old Christian girl remained in hiding Thursday, January 25, after she escaped kidnappers who raped her, according to Christian aid workers familiar with the case.
As a result of the abuse, she is reportedly left pregnant and terrified. “Sara”, which is not her real name, was abducted seven months ago, allegedly by militant Muslim neighbours who invited her for a meal, then drugged her, Christians said.
For the next seven months, the teen was held captive and subjected to what rights activists called “appalling abuse:.
“Thankfully, Sara recently managed to escape and return home to her family,” explained Voice Of the Martyrs (VOM), a Christian aid and advocacy group involved in the case. “As it is not safe for her to stay in the neighbourhood, she is now receiving care and counselling at a VOM-operated safehouse. Ministry contacts are also seeking justice on her behalf through the courts,” the group told BosNewsLife.
The group said it had asked supporters to pray that “God…pour out His healing love over Sara, wiping away every tear from her eyes.”
VOMC also urged Christians to “Pray that justice and restoration will take place for this abused teen and her family — and for every Christian in Pakistan…suffering abuse and discrimination because of their faith.”
The advocacy group seeks “a change in attitude towards religious minorities who are considered “second class” citizens by those oppressing them.”
VOMC said it was crucial that its supporters “Pray that the country’s government and state officials will lead the way, speaking out against religious intolerance and taking firm action against militants who persecute innocent victims such as Sara.”
It comes amid international concern about the plight of minority Christians, including attacks against Christian women and girls, in Pakistan, a Muslim nation.