Nigeria Christians Mourn Hundreds Killed In Post Election Violence
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in northern Nigeria were among those mourning Saturday, April 30, amid reports that hundreds of people were killed in sectarian violence triggered by opposition protests against President Goodluck Jonathan’s victory in recent elections.

BREAKING NEWS: Nigeria Church Bombing Kills Two (UPDATE)
By BosNewsLife Africa Service

Nigeria Christians Mourn Victims After Church Blasts
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
Global Christmas Celebrations Overshadowed By Violence (ROUND-UP)
By BosNewsLife News Center with reports from Vatican, Africa, Asia and Middle East
BREAKING NEWS: Deadly Blasts Rock Nigerian Churches
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
Nigeria Christians Concerned After Islamists Escape Prison
By Joseph C DeCaro, BosNewsLife International Correspondent with BosNewsLife Africa Service
BAUCHI, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in northern Nigeria feared more attacks against them Thursday, September 16, after a radical Muslim sect freed hundreds of its supporters.
Muslims Destroy Churches In Nigeria Kano State
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Muslim extremists destroyed several churches and a pastor's house in the latest religious violence to hit Nigeria's northern Kano state, church representatives and rights activists said Friday, May 21.

NEWS ALERT: Nigeria Evangelicals Mourn Murdered Journalists, Church Members
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
JOS, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Nigeria's evangelical Church of Christ was mourning Tuesday, April 27, after Nigerian Muslims killed two journalists working for a church publication and two church members in the troubled Bauchi state.