Nigeria Police Kill Suspect In Kidnapping British Missionaries

NEWS ALERT: Nigeria Church Collapse Kills 160 (Update)
By BosNewsLife Africa Service

Nigeria Church Concerned About Deadly Attacks
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- A major evangelical denomination in Nigeria has urged Christians to join in three days of fasting amid concerns over a surge in anti-Christian attacks by mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen that killed at least dozens of people in recent weeks.

Group Warns Of Plan ‘To Wipe Out Nigerian Christians’ Amid New Church Attacks
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with additional reporting by BosNewsLife Special Correspondent Paul Jongas
in Nigeria and BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- The chief of an umbrella group representing many of Nigeria's numerous denominations has urged the government to stop an alleged Islamists plan to "wipe out Christians" in the African nation,
where a church was attacked by angry Muslims just days after a Christian preacher was hacked to death.

More Violence Feared After Nigeria Evangelist Is Hacked To Death By Militants
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- An umbrella group of key churches in Nigeria has warned Christians in the African nation of more attacks after a Christian preacher and mother of seven was hacked to death by suspected Muslim militants while she was publicly speaking about faith in Jesus Christ in a suburb of Abuja, the capital.

Nigeria Army Claims Two Christian Schoolgirls Rescued; Parents Cautious

NEWS ALERT: Thousands of Christians Flee Mass Killings In Nigeria
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Thousands of people, most of them Christians, remain displaced in Nigeria's farming belt where hundreds of people have been killed by Fulani cattle herders backed by Islamic terror groups, BosNewsLife learned.

BREAKING NEWS: Islamic Militants Kill Dozens Of Christians, Children Torched (UPDATE)
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
ABUJA,NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in northeastern Nigeria were among those facing a new wave of Islamic violence as the Boko Haram terror group killed 86 people, including children, who were heard screaming as they burned to death after militants torched huts, survivors and officials said Sunday, January 31.

Catholic Group Says Christians Face Eradication In Several Nations
By Stefan J, Bos, Chief Internationalk Correspondent BosNewsLife
LONDON/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife) -- An influential Catholic charity and advocacy group warns in a new report that Christianity may be "eradicated" in several nations as persecution of Christians has worsened over the last two years in countries such as China, Indonesia, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan and Syria.

Hundreds Killed In Nigeria Anti-Christian Violence
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic militant group Boko Haram is stepping up attacks in heavily Christian towns and village in Nigeria's troubled northeast, killing more than 750 people since May 29, Christian rights activists say. News of the violence came after Boko Haram militants were pushed back by Nigeria's military when they tried to to gain access to Maiduguri, Borno State's largest city.