Somalia Militants Destroy Largest Christian Library, Bible College
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Somalia's minority Christians faced new challenges Thursday, January 6, after their most comprehensive Christian library was reportedly destroyed by Muslim militants who also threatened to continue killing Christians.
NEWS ALERT: Somalia Christians Observe Pentecost Amid Gunfire, 14 Killed
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Somalia's minority Christians observed Pentecost amid gunfire Sunday, May 23, as witnesses reported that at least 14 people died in clashes between pro-government troops and Muslim militants who have killed Christians and pledged to turn Somalia into a strict Islamic state.

Somalia Militants Kill Christian As Attacks Spread
By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Fighters of Somalia's feared Islamic militant group al-Shabab have killed another Somali Christian as part of an apparent crackdown on "non-Islamic culture," rights activists said.

NEWS ALERT: Somalia Militants Kill Church Leader; Crackdown On “Non-Islamic Culture”
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Somalia's feared Islamic militant group al-Shabab has warned Christians and other residents that it will crackdown on "non-Islamic culture" across the country, after its fighters reportedly killed another Christian leader and destroyed a tomb of a moderate Muslim cleric.

By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Somalia's feared Islamic militant group al-Shabab has warned Christians and other residents that it will crackdown on "non-Islamic culture" across the country, after its fighters reportedly killed another Christian leader and destroyed a tomb of an apparently moderate Muslim cleric.
Christians In Somalia Face More Killings
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in Somalia faced more difficulties Sunday, January 31, as a militant Islamist group associated with al-Qaida attacked areas controlled by government troops and peacekeepers leaving at least 19 dead and scores injured.

North Korea, Iran World’s “Top Persecutors” Of Christians, Report Says
By BosNewsLife News Center with BosNewsLife's Senior Special Correspondent Johan Th. Bos reporting from the Netherlands
AMSTERDAM/WASHINGTON D.C. (BosNewsLife)-- One of the world's largest mission agencies, Open Doors, named North Korea and Iran Wednesday, November 6, as "the worst persecutors of Christians".

NEWS WATCH: Somali Charged With Attempted Murder of Danish Cartoonist
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
BUDAPEST/COPENHAGEN (BosNewsLife)-- A Somali man with alleged links to terrorist groups al-Shabab and al-Qaida has been charged with an attempt to kill a Danish cartoonist whose depiction of the Prophet Muhammed sparked outrage in the Muslim world.

Islamic Militants Kill Somali Church Leader
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic militants have killed the leader of an underground church in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, a well-informed Christian rights group said Monday, November 16.

BREAKING NEWS: Somalia Militants Kill Christian Woman For Refusing To Wear Veil
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic militants have shot and killed a Somali Christian woman because she declined to wear a veil as prescribed by Muslim custom, Christians said in comments monitored by BosNewsLife Wednesday, October 28.