Ukraine Activist Released From Forced Treatment Fears Future

By BosNewsLife News Center womanZAPORIZHIA/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- An elderly human rights activist who was forced to spend more than two weeks in a Ukrainian psychological hospital for "socially dangerous behavior" said Wednesday, August 14, she remains confined to her home amid fears of more persecution.

URGENT BREAKING NEWS: Metropolitan Kirill “Interim Leader” Of Russia’s Orthodox Church

By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- The ruling body of the Russian Orthodox Church on Saturday, December 6, elected Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad as the interim leader of the country's main denomination following the death on Friday, December 5, of Patriarch Alexy II, the patriarchate said.

NEWS WATCH: Murdered Russian Journalist Remembered Amid Calls For Justice

BosNewsLifeRadioJournalist Listen here to the BosNewsLife Radio News report via Vatican Radio By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International correspondent MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Tributes are paid Sunday, October 7, to Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya who was killed exactly six years ago by a still unknown gunman in an attack that critics have linked to her journalistic work.

NEWS WATCH: EU, Ukraine Sign Accord, Moscow Annexes Crimea

Listen to the report by Stefan BosRealAudioMP3 By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife UkrainenowKYIV/MOSCOW (BosNewsLife)-- The European Union and Ukraine have signed a landmark agreement on forging closer political and economic ties, in a show of support following Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula. The accord was signed while, in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin formally absorbed Crimea into Russia.

NEWS WATCH: Billionaire Takes Over As Georgia’s Prime Minister

Listen to this BosNewsLife News  report via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3 By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent  BosNewsLife TBILISI, GEORGIA (BosNewsLife)-- Georgia's parliament has approved a billionaire as the former Soviet nation's new prime minister and endorsed his government, following the recent October 1 parliamentary elections. Bidzina Ivanishvili began his first official full working day Friday, October 26, after lawmakers voted 88-54 for his cabinet.

NEWS WATCH: Russia’s Parliament Approves Military Action in Ukraine

Listen to this BosNewsLife via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3  By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent crimea KYIV, UKRAINE (BosNewsLife)--Russian President Vladimir Putin has received parliamentary approval for military action in neighboring Ukraine, where thousands of Russian forces have landed on the Crimean Peninsula. It comes amid tensions elsewhere including in Ukraine's eastern city of Kharkiv where dozens were injured when a pro-Russian protest turned violent, with demonstrators trying to storm the local government building.

NEWS ALERT: Russian Christians In Meteor-Hit Region Appeal For Prayers

By BosNewsLife News Center with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos meteorCHELYABINSK/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Christian missionaries and a pastor in Russia's Ural Mountains appealed for prayers late Friday, February 15, after a meteor with the power of an atomic bomb exploded over the region injuring more than 1,000 people.

Christian Maya Don’t Believe End Of World Predictions

By BosNewsLife News Center earth MEXICO CITY/MOSCOW (BosNewsLife)-- Christian Maya looked on in wonder Friday, December 21, at the invasion of foreign tourists to ancient cities in southern Mexico and Central America where they expected the world to end based on ancient Maya predictions.

NEW EUROPE: Refugees Overwhelm Hungary; Country Wants Anti-Migrant Fence

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Ásotthalom refugeesfilenowÁSOTTHALOM, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- More than 60,000 refugees arrived in Hungary this year, mostly through the unprotected border with Serbia. Overwhelmed by the mass influx of migrants, Hungarian authorities said they want to install a four-meter fence along this stretch of border to keep the migrants out. A recent poll indicates most Hungarians support the fence.

NEWS WATCH: Ukraine Launches New Ceasefire; Peace Talks Uncertain

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Bos NewsLife ukrainenoww KIEV, UKRAINE (BosNewsLife)-- A ceasefire called by President Petro Poroshenko has begun in eastern Ukraine as part of efforts to revive a much-violated truce with pro-Russian separatists, but it remained unclear whether a peace meeting would go ahead as planned on Tuesday.