Half Israel Wants Temple Rebuilt, poll
By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Jerusalem Bureau Chief
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) -- Nearly half of Israelis want the Biblical Temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem according to a major opinion poll, commissioned by Israel's Knesset Television Channel and monitored by BosNewsLife Saturday, July 24.
BREAKING NEWS: Hamas Founder’s Christian Son Granted Asylum in U.S.
By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Jerusalem Bureau Chief
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) -- The son of a founder of the Palestinian Islamic group Hamas, who became a Christian and spied for Israel, will be granted political asylum in the United States as the Department of Homeland Security dropped its objections, BosNewsLife established Thursday, July 1.

NEWS ALERT: Hamas Leader’s Christian Son Faces Deportation From U.S.
By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Jerusalem Bureau Chief
WASHINGTON/JERUSALEM (BosNewsLife) -– Masab Hassan Yousef, the son of a prominent Hamas leader who became a Christian, is facing a deportation hearing on June 30 in San Diego because the U.S. Department of Homeland Security views him as "a threat to America’s national security", Worthy News learned Monday, June 14.

NEWS ALERT: Israel Immigration Service Raids African Church; Several Detained
By Eric Leijenaar, BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Security forces of Israel's immigration service broke into an African church in Tel Aviv damaging the ceiling and detaining several worshipers, news reports said Tuesday, December 22.

Israel Charges Extremist With Attempted Murder Of Messianic Family (BosNewsLife In-Depth)
By BosNewsLife Middle East Service
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Israel has charged a Jewish-American extremist with shooting to death two Palestinians and trying to kill others, including a Messianic Jewish family, who received a booby-trapped package in March 2008 that left their son critically injured.

Palestinians Remember Murdered Christian Bookstore Leader
By BosNewsLife Middle East Service
JERUSALEM/GAZA CITY (BosNewsLife)-- Palestinian Christians on Tuesday, October 7, urged prayers as they observed the second anniversary of the day that militants murdered the director of the only known Christian bookstore in the Gaza Strip.

BREAKING NEWS: Iran Fires Long Range Missiles Able To Hit Israel
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent, BosNewsLife
TEHRAN/JERUSALEM (BosNewsLife)-- Iran on Monday “test” fired long range Shabab-3 and Sajjil rockets that could potentially reach Israel and U.S. military bases in the Gulf region, Iranian media said.

BREAKING NEWS: Israel President Peres Faints, Rushed To Hospital
By BosNewsLife Middle East Service
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Israel's president Shimon Peres was rushed to hospital Saturday night, September 12, after he collapsed on stage while speaking at an event in Tel Aviv, officials said.

NEWS WATCH: Iran’s Supreme Leader Calls Muslims To Prepare For ‘Savior’
By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Senior Middle East Correspondent reporting from Israel
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on Muslims around the world to mobilize their troops alongside Iran against Israel and the United States to prepare for the coming of the "Mahdi" seen as "the savior of Islam".