Christmas Dinner For Christian Refugee Children From Syria, Iraq

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service childrenpraynow AMMAN, JORDAN (BosNewsLife)-- Preparations were underway in Jordan's capital Amman for "the first ever Christmas meal for Christian refugee children from Iraq and Syria" who have been "mostly ignored by Islamic charities," organizers said.

NEW EUROPE Hungary Detains 4 Suspect After 71 Migrants Die In Truck

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Budapest and border areas refugeesfilenow BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- Four people remain detained after the decomposing bodies of 71 migrants fleeing war and poverty, including eight women and four children, were found in a truck on Austria's main highway after apparently arriving from neighboring Hungary. Hungarian police said they detained the suspects as part of a wider investigation into human smuggling.

BREAKING NEWS: Syria Christians In Firing Line; Hundreds Killed

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife DAMASCUS/VIENNA (BosNewsLife)-- Hundreds of Syrian Christians have been killed and several Christians kidnapped as fighting rages between government forces and rebels, an aid group working in the region told BosNewsLife Thursday, February 16.

NEWS ALERT: Syria’s Anxious Christians Urge Prayers For Troubled Peace Talks

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife syrian DAMASCUS, SYRIA (BosNewsLife)-- Leaders of Syria's embattled Christian minority urged prayers Monday, January 20, as prospects for a peace conference in Geneva were thrown into doubt after the opposition threatened to withdraw from the planned talks. The Syrian Opposition Coalition, which had only voted to attend the day before, said it was suspending its decision because the United Nations unexpectedly invited Iran to the January 22 conference, also known as 'Geneva II'.

Hundreds of Christians Missing In Syria

christianssyria DAMASCUS, SYRIA (BosNewsLife)—Dozens of Christian families remained missing Saturday, August 8, after Islamic State militants seized their town in central Syria this week, the Syrian Orthodox Church and activists said.

Syria President Condemns Rebels After Beheading Christian; Body Fed To Dogs

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos christianssyria DAMASCUS, SYRIA (BosNewsLife)-- Syrian President Bashar Assad on Sunday, January 6, called rebels "enemies of God," amid reports that some of them beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs.

NEWS ALERT: Syria Christian Filmmaker Urges Help After Kidnappings

By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent lastplight DAMASCUS/LOS ANGELES (BosNewsLife)-- Syrian Christian activist and filmmaker Sargon Saadi has urged Christians in the West to step up efforts to help besieged Assyrians, after the kidnapping of 150 Assyrian Christians by militants of the Islamic State group.

Movie Exposes Horror of War on Christians (Column)

By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Columnist Rothpicture LOS ANGELES, USA (BosNewsLife Columns)-- As a child growing up in Syria, Sargon Saadi  loved making home movies with his brother and cousins. It led eventually to his decision to travel to the U.S. to study filmmaking at Columbia College Chicago - famous for its arts and media programs - and then to move to the heart of the movie world, Los Angeles, where he has worked as a cinematographer on many films. But something happened while he was living in America...

Dutch Investigator: ‘Syrian Christians In Crossfire; Thousands Without Aid’

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service BEIRUT, LEBANON (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in Syria remained in the crossfire Sunday, November 18, as rebels captured up to 30 percent of the heavily Islamic nation, a leading Dutch legislator and investigator told BosNewsLife.

Europe Condemns Crackdown On Coptic Christians In Egypt, Syria

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos CAIRO/BRUSSELS (BosNewsLife)-- The European Parliament (EP) has condemned violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt, after at least 25 were killed and more than 300 wounded by security forces in Cairo during a peaceful protest earlier this month, a key legislator told BosNewsLife Friday, October 28.