NEWS WATCH: Russia Seeks Closer Ties With OPEC As Oil Prices Drop

By Stefan J. Bos, Stefan J. Bos Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife ap_beijing_loansfor-oil_17feb09VIENNA/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Russia said Sunday, March 15, it will send a permanent observer to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, amid mounting concerns among producers about falling oil prices.

Nigeria Releases Imprisoned Christian

By Eric Leijenaar, BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent thumb_muslimveil220107_228x3222ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- A Nigerian Christian who was serving a three-year prison sentence since May 2008 on charges of "blasphemy" against Islam has been released, BosNewsLife learned Thursday, February 26.

NEWS ALERT: Iran Pastor, Christians Facing Long Prison Term and Lashes

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife TEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)-- Iranian Christians have urged prayers for Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, who was acquitted of apostasy in 2012 after being sentenced to death by hanging, and three other believers after they were forced to stand trial on charges of “action against national security", activists told BosNewsLife.

Breaking News: Dozens Killed In Israeli Strike; Christians Concerned

By BosNewsLife Chief International Correspondent Stefan J. Bos and BosNewsLife Chief Middle East Correspondent George Whitten reporting from Israel dotz06010906katavasmall_cropped2JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) –- At least 40 people were killed and over 50 injured when the Israeli Air Force struck a United Nations-run school in the Gaza Strip in what it said was a response to repeated mortar and rocket attacks from militants of the Hamas group.

Anger and Confusion – the New Normal (Column)

By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Columnist lahoreburningLAHORE, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife Columns)-- Our Christian brothers and sisters in many countries find themselves under increasingly violent attack. I feel sure that I am not the only Western Christian who is unsure about the best esponse. Should they fight back?

WORLD WATCH: Tensions Over Russia-US Nuclear Arms Treaty

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Russia and the West appear to be moving closer to a confrontation after Moscow challenged United States compliance with a key arms control treaty. The standoff came while U.S. ally Lithuania accused Russia of deploying nuclear-capable ballistic missiles to the nearby Kaliningrad enclave on the Baltic.

Iran Frees Two Members Of Church Of Iran, Others Detained

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service imagesIranTEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)-- Two members of Iran's largest evangelical house church movement who were among several Christians detained last month have been released on bail, but at least one member remains behind bars, Christian activists said Wednesday, June 1. Activists also expressed concern about the deteriorating health of Maryam (Nasim) Naghash-Zargaran, a Christian concert serving a four-year sentence in Tehran's Evin Prison on what her supporters say are trumped up charges because of her faith.

BREAKING NEWS: Egypt’s Mubarak Resigns, Future Christians Uncertain

CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)-- Amid the largest protests in his three decades rule, Egypt's embattled President Hosni Mubarak resigned Friday, February 11, but the future of the country's Christian minority remained uncertain amid concerns of growing influence of Islamic hardliners in this mainly Muslim nation. (MORE)

NEWS ALERT: Islamic State Shoot 3 Christians, Threatens To Kill Hundreds More

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife ISIS-executes-Assyrian-Christian-hostages-screenshot-Twitter-640x480DAMASCUS/BEIRUT (BosNewsLife)-- Islamic State militants have released a video of how they shot to death three Christian hostages and threatened to execute hundreds more of the Syrian Christian minority abducted in February. In the recently released Islamic State execution video the three Assyrian men, crouched in orange jumpsuits, are forced to state their Christian faith and names before being shot in the back of the head.

NEWS WATCH: Ukraine Refuses To Abandon Crimea

Listen to this BosNewsLife News report via Vatican Radio: RealAudioMP3 crimeapic By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent KYIV, UKRAINE (BosNewsLife)--Ukraine's interim government has warned that it will not give up the Crimean Peninsula where Russian forces have surrounded military bases and other sites, but that it will try to resolve the crisis there peacefully. The announcement comes after Russian forces attempted to occupy a Ukrainian air force base and amid concerns over plans by Russian legislators to annex the region.