A group of some 15 men armed with weapons that included AK-47 rifles allegedly made their way into the Catholic Church of Chak 2 Shumali North Branch village in Mandi-Bahauddin District late February 29. “They built boundary walls around the premises of the church compound before dusk of March 1, to further strengthen their occupation," said Arshad Gill, a Christian resident and social worker.

"They desecrated and occupied the Church…compound," he told BosNewsLife. Gill said the assailants "terrorized residents throughout the night" firing their weapons in the air.

Gun fire could be heard throughout the night, he added. At least five neighboring Christian families reportedly fled their homes and were believed to be l in hiding Wednesday, March 26. There were no reports of injuries. 

Gill said local Christians led by the local priest attempted to "register a case against the assailants" at the local Civil Lines Police Station. “But police are reluctant to take  action against the Muslim culprits…Police have not arrested any one, to date," he added.
Gill said the building and surrounding piece of land was owned and in use by the church since 1937. The police official leading the investigation, Sub Inspector  Muhammad Zafar, was either not in the police station or deliberately evaded talking to BosNewsLife, despite repeated requests.

Gill said, "Police are blatantly leaning and aiding their Islamic Brothers and disdaining deprived local Christians." There have been similar tensions in other parts of Pakistan. Christian politicians have pledged to try to improve the situation for religious minorities following the February parliamentary elections. (Read more from Jawad Mazhar via http://www.raysofdevelopment.org


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