arrival of more Iraqi exiles after the first group of about 50 volunteers graduated following a month of training to support a possible war with Iraq.

The spokesman of the U.S. training task force told BosNewsLife that Iraqi exiles receive a certificate of approval at the airbase in Taszar, now called "Camp Freedom", 200 kilometres south west of Budapest.

Their certificate states that the volunteers, who successfully ended their training, are part of what has been dubbed the "Free Iraqi Forces" and that they sacrificed personal comfort "to achieve freedom for all." They were expected to be flown to the "U.S. central command", Major Stern said, most likely in the Gulf Region.

He stressed the training program focused on a variety of non-combat duties in case of a war against their homeland. "The first phase concentrated on basic skills such as self defense. And than the second phase of the training program, which they just completed, focused on their main role and responsibility," he said.


The second phase "was in civil military operations, where they learned how they will play a key role in coordinating and facilitating communication between the coalition forces and humanitarian relief organizations, the emergency services such as the red cross, and also to deal with and help coordinate with any displaced citizens who need help of those organizations," Major Stern added.

Among the trainees from the major Iraqi groups, were reportedly also Christians who worked closely with other Iraqis from all parts of that country, Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis.

"They have everyday prayers," Mayor Stern said about the men, aged 18 to 55, adding that most the them came from their new found homes in North America.


In statements to reporters some Iraqis said they did not understand why France, Germany and Russia would oppose a battle against Iraq.

"We Iraqis call France, Germany and Russia the axis of greed," Tahib, 52, one of the graduates, told a reporter of The Associated Press. "Shame on them for trying to keep Saddam Hussein on our necks for 34 more years," said Tahib, whose last name was withheld for apparent security reasons.

Major Stern told BosNewsLife there is serious concern about the safety of families who they left behind. "Many made" in his words "huge sacrifices" to participate in a possible war with Iraq.


"Many of them have left their jobs and their homes and their families behind. Some of them were owners of businesses some of them worked at universities, were researchers," he said. "Many with college degrees and engineers. And they put all that on hold in order to participate in this training program because of their dream to return to a free and democratic Iraq."

Hungary’s Socialist-led government has authorized the United States to bring in up to 3,000 Iraqis and about 2,000 military personnel, including trainers, for sessions at the Taszar air base.

However recent opinion polls show that most Hungarians are against the training and that eight out of ten people oppose a war with Iraq. Residents and the mayor of Taszar have also expressed concern about possible terrorist attacks.


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