Middle East Wednesday, April 30, just hours after at least four people died when a suicide attack rocked a cafe in Tel Aviv.

The newly installed Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas received The Roadmap for Peace" in Ramallah after U.S. Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer met with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

International mediators, including United Nations envoy Terje Larson, were in Ramallah to deliver the roadmap to Prime Minister Abbas, the Voice of America (VOA) network reported.

The latest Middle East peace plan was drawn up by the so-called "Quartet" – the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and Russia.

Both sides must take steps to eventually reach a two-state solution, a secure Israel living side by side with a viable Palestinian state to be established by 2005.

The Bush administration said the plan would be released once a credible, new Palestinian government was installed. That happened earlier Wednesday, when Prime Minister Abbas and his 24-member cabinet were sworn in.

Among the things the new Palestinian government will now be expected to do is to put an end to violence and crack down on militants. Officials already said they will not accept terrorism like the attack Wednesday, April 30, which also wounded dozens of people.

However speaking in Poland, Israeli President Moshe Katzav already expressed his doubt that Abbas will be able to end "terrorism" in the volatile region.


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