increasing concern about his health.

Shortly after his delayed arrival at Bratislava airport, the Pontiff appeared short of breath as he began to read his speech, and his words got slurred. A local priest was called in to read a portion of his speech.

A Vatican observer told BosNewsLife said that the cause of his weakness was travel fatigue. But, despite a moment of weakness at the airport, the pontiff was expected to hold several open air masses on his 102nd Papal trip abroad.

The 83-year Pontiff, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease and hip and knee ailments, wants to encourage mainly Catholic Slovakia to resist materialism as it prepares to join the European Union.


As about 1,000 Pilgrims welcomed him, the Pope urged Slovaks to "bring to the construction of Europe’s new identity the contribution of their rich Christian tradition."

"Do not be satisfied with the sole quest for economic advantages," he added.

This was seen as an indirect reference to the debate within the European Union about a new constitution, which the Vatican says should include a reference to the continent’s Christian heritage.

Church officials have also been concerned about new abortion law in Slovakia, where seven out of ten people are Catholics. In July, parliament enacted legislation to make abortion legal until the 24th week of pregnancy, instead of the current 12 weeks.


But Slovakia’s president Rudolf Schuster, who held talks with the Pope Thursday, has vetoed the measure, saying the issue should first be submitted to the courts. Schuster described the Pope as a "high moral authority" who was bringing "a message of hope".

He said it was "with great happiness" that he welcomed the Pope on behalf of Slovakia, a man he considered a moral guide and "beloved" by his nation.

The Vatican’s chief organizer for Papal visits, Renato Boccardo told Vatican Radio that the Pope wants to send the message that it is important, especially for former Communist countries, to have a Christian tradition.


Boccardo said it is was one of the reasons why the Pontiff will beatify two church officials, imprisoned under decades of communist rule when Slovakia was still part of Czechoslovakia.

"Next Sunday the holy father will proclaim, beautify two persons – a bishop and a nun who are martyrs. And of course their example and willingness will be given to the youth and the actual generation…", he said.

More than 5,000 police have been assigned to provide security for the Pope’s trip, after authorities said they were investigating a death threat made against the church leader.

Later on Thursday, the Pope took time for evening prayers at the famed gothic cathedral in the city of Trnava, west of the Slovak capital, Bratislava.

He asked a Bishop to read from a prepared text at the ceremony, later spoke in Polish, blessing the crowd, reports said.


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