24 to condemn China, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkmenistan, and Vietnam for their "brutal subjugation of people of faith with impunity."

The Washington based Institute on Religion and Public Policy (IRPP) said its president had "sent a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell recommending the designation" of these states as Countries of Particular Concern.

IRPP President Joseph K. Grieboski said that designating them in this category would be in accordance with Section 402, article b) of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

His call comes shortly after BosNewsLife and other organizations reported on a fresh crack-down against house church Christians and other believers in several of these countries including China and Turkmenistan.


"It is time to send the governments of these nations clear messages that they cannot persecute people of faith while the world stands silently by," Grieboski wrote in his letter to Powell, which was obtained by BosNewsLife.

"It is time to acknowledge that China, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam fit precisely the characteristics of a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ as defined by American law," he added.

"To do anything less is a clear signal that they can continue their brutal subjugation of people of faith with impunity, while America watches and remains silent."


Grieboski said that U.S. legislation on religious freedom says among other things that "the President shall designate each country the government of which has engaged in or tolerated violations…as a country of particular concern for religious freedom."

In his letter to Powell, Grieboski stressed that "the Department of State must (therefore) accept its awesome responsibility of both protecting American vital interests and promoting American values in its bilateral relationships and discussions."

And "as America’s top diplomat, it falls upon you to remind these governments of their international commitments regarding freedom of religion and belief and protection of minority rights," the IRPP president stressed.


Human rights watchers have been worried that the U.S. will be less inclined to criticize religious rights abuses at a time when it needs support from countries around the world to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq and the war on terror.

However "the United States must establish a flexible foreign policy that allows it to hold its allies and opponents to the same standards on human rights and religious freedom," Grieboski wrote Powell.

"It is time to acknowledge that China, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam fit precisely the characteristics of a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ as defined by American law. To do anything less is a clear signal that they can continue their brutal subjugation of people of faith with impunity, while America watches and remains silent," he said.


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