which the terror group al-Qaida reportedly claimed responsibility in a video tape. 

"The Institute…severely condemns the senseless and cowardly acts of violence committed against the people and state of Spain. Such acts demonstrate the godless disregard for human life and human dignity at the core of groups like al-Qaida," said President Joseph K. Grieboski.

The statement of the influential religious policy pressure group came as three minutes of silence for the victims were observed across Europe, including 10 future European Union states and others that are likely to join.

In Hungary silence was observed during a National Holiday here while national television stations and several radio stations broke in their regular programs and mass transportation came to a standstill throughout the country for three minutes at noon local time, the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) reported.

Similar scenes were observed in other former Communist countries, including EU hopeful Romania, which lost 11 of its citizens in Thursday’s blasts.


In London on Sunday, March 14, the Queen broke with protocol and had the Spanish national anthem played at the Changing the Guard ceremony, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported.

IRPP President Grieboski said he his organization "congratulate the Spanish authorities on the speedy apprehension of five suspects" connected to the widely remembered blasts.

"The alleged involvement of three Moroccan suspects underscores the necessity of continuing and dedicated American support for civil society building, education, and religious freedom in a country like Morocco, which is not a natural source or breeding ground for extremism."


He added that Moroccan authorities at all levels have indicated to the IRPP "their ongoing commitment to root out evil and serve as a partner and friend in the promotion of democracy and freedom" and he offered his condolences to the relatives of those who died and the people of Spain.

Analysts have said however that voter outrage over Thursday’s terrorist attacks and the government’s handling of the investigation contributed to an unexpected Socialist victory over the ruling Popular Party, during general elections Sunday, March 14.

In the aftermath of Spain’s general election the winning Socialist candidate for Prime Minster, Jose Luis Zapatero, said he will keep his campaign pledge to withdraw Spain’s 1,300 soldiers from Iraq by the end of June.


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