killed in Iraq’s volatile town of Mosul after a drive-by shooting, the organization confirmed Tuesday, March 16.

The attack happened as they reportedly researched opportunities for humanitarian projects, including working to convert dirty water into pure.

Initially three Americans were killed but the fourth person, 28-year old David E. McDonnall, of Rowlett, Texas, died early Tuesday en route to a military support hospital in Baghdad after "four U.S. military surgeons had worked for six hours to save his life," the IMB said on its internet website.

He and his 26-year old wife Carrie Taylor McDonnall, who was listed as injured, had been in service with the board since November of last year.

The others killed earlier were identified as Larry T. Elliott, 60, and Jean Dover Elliott, 58, of Cary, N.C., and Karen Denise Watson, 38, of Bakersfield, Calif. The Elliotts had been transferred to the Middle East in February 2004, after serving with the IMB in Honduras since 1978, while Watson had been with the IMB since March 2003, the organization said.


IMB sources claimed that all four died from bullet and shell fragment wounds reportedly from automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades after they were attacked by unidentified assailants.

The IBM said it has mobilized its prayer network "and is asking Christians everywhere to pray for the healing of the injured workers and the comforting of all the families involved. "

Their deaths came barely a year after IMB missionary Bill Hyde was killed by a terrorist’s bomb at the airport in Davao City, Philippines. Just 14 months ago, Southern Baptists also suffered through the deaths of three workers who were murdered by a terrorist at the Baptist hospital in Jibla, Yemen, the organization recalled.


IMB President Jerry Rankin said all Southern Baptists shared the sorrow and grief of the families and co-workers.

"In times like this, there are no words that will take away the pain of a loved one’s violent death," Rankin said. "Everyone in the IMB family and everyone who loves Southern Baptists’ overseas workers are grieving with the family members and co-workers of these precious souls. We are grateful that God himself comes alongside us in our deepest sorrow and comforts us in a way no one else can," he said in a statement.

The attacks in Iraq also underscored concern among Iraq’s Christian community about ongoing attacks that have been linked to Muslim militants and remnants of the former regime of Saddam Hussein, A year after the U.S.-led war began.

Additional information and pictures can be found at the International Mission Board site:


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