last week,  will lead to more persecution at a time that "many" are turning to Christ,  Mission Network News (MNN) reported Tuesday,  May 11.

MNN, a Christian broadcaster and news service,  quoted Alexander Botanov of Russian Ministries in Moscow as saying that his friends "were not glad about (Putin’s second term) because they understood that the freedoms that we expected would come to our country with his election in the first term…wasn’t as much freedom as was expected."
Russian Ministries,  which gives Biblical training to church leaders and other active Christians,  is concerned that He said that Evangelical churches may suffer because of his landslide victory as there is no real opposition. "He seems to be an authoritative leader. He seems to show favor for the Orthodox Church in Russia. So, those who belong to protestant churches, I don’t think they have great hopes for him to give more freedoms during his second term of leadership," Botanov told MNN.
Botanov confirmed reports from human rights organizations that local authorities undermine Christian activities. "When you start a new church, or train new people, or you rent building for different church activities we face more and more problems when we try to do that," he claimed.
It comes at a time when many Russians are turning to Christ,  he said,  "People beginning to ask questions. We have more and more people coming to God (but) unfortunately there are not many people prepared to answer those questions,"  because of a lack of training and adequate churches.
He noted that Russians in major cities "seem to be apathetic to religion" because of the perceived threat to Putin’s stability. "One of the main reasons people re-elected Putin again, was because he was a symbol of stability. Unfortunately, I think it means that they will not be as much open to Christianity, because most of them care (more) about how to make their living better," Botanov said.
MNN has urged prayers for Russian Ministries "as they recruit and train people who could have a huge impact on the church."


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