unprecedented unity among Palestinian Christians and Messianic Jews as well as church growth, a Christian organization working in the region said Wednesday,  May 26.

Evangecube International official Tom Doyle told Mission Network News (MNN),  a Christian broadcaster and news service,  that "people are discovering that Christ is providing all the answers they need", after dozens of people were killed in the worst bloodshed in Gaza in recent memory.

Doyle told MNN that uncertainty is "bonding the Messianic Jewish Church and the Palestinian Church." He said Evangecube wanted to be an effective tool for churches to help them tell the story of Christ. "We go into churches and train them to share the Gospel with the Evangecube,  a picture puzzle that unfolds the Gospel of Christ. We’ll train several different churches and then challenge each person to share with two people a week."


He stressed that "because of pressure on both sides, God has allowed this to cause different churches" to cling together.

"We’ve just seen tremendous unity like we’ve never seen before among Palestinian believers and Messianic believers to the point of Palestinian pastors preaching in Jewish Messianic pastors going to Palestinian churches. And, there’s just a sweet spirit there in the midst of all the terrible things going on the church is really coming together."

Doyle added that Messianic churches of Jews accepting Christ as Lord have grown from about four two decades ago to "over 200."  He said the same church growth was reported in Palestinian areas where "a brand new church in Bethlehem" just started a year ago and "has over 300 people."

Doyle was quoted as saying that both Muslims and Jews "are very open to the Gospel" of Jesus Christ. The organization can be reached on the Internet website http://www.evangecube.org


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