among mission organizations that the first ever non-Hindu Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, the gentlemanly Oxford-educated economist who took office this month, will bring about a "wind of change", Mission Network News (MNN) reported Monday, May 31.

MNN, a well informed Evangelical oriented mission news service and broadcaster,  quoted a Bibles For The World official as saying that the schools are "one way" of reaching out to the community and that churches, hospitals and clean water wells are expected to follow.

"If we can open three thousand schools around New Dehli, we are praying that the Lord of the Harvest will send laborers, and that He will also provide the means whereby we will be able to bring education to these people, and along with that, we will share with them the life transforming message of the Lord Jesus Christ," Bibles For The World’s Rochunga Pudaite told MNN.

Pudaite said believers are already sponsoring nearly 1,500 needy school children, a hospital, and a seminary in northeast India."  MNN also said that sponsors have helped plant "more than 300 Indian churches through partnering with Indian national missionaries,"  amid news of a growing interest in India in the Gospel of Christ.


MNN said "The story of Jesus for Children", was seen five months ago by an estimated 69.5 million Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs including many children when it was aired across India on December 27. "An estimated 35 million children and their parents experienced the gospel, as seen through the eyes of the children who appear in this special version of "Jesus", MNN said citing Jesus film staff sources.

Over 9,500 letters were received in the first three weeks following the broadcasts and Jesus Film staff was quoted as saying that they even "received a long distance call from someone who had turned on the television and saw only the last few minutes, from an area in the Himalayas, asking for a copy of "The Story of Jesus for Children."

There are 61 translations of "The Story of Jesus For Children" in circulation and funding is needed to translate it into more languages, MNN reported.


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