World Alliance (BWA) for "praising" China’s treatment of Christians and their churches. The Voice Of the Martyrs said the BWA had been "extolling the freedom to worship" in the Communist nation, at a time when many believers are reportedly imprisoned, tortured, and in several cases even killed for their faith.

In an article the Baptist organization "sings the praises of the China Christian Council and the seminary in Nanjing, which the majority of Chinese Christians see as tools of China’s communist regime," VOM added. 

The BWA acknowledged last week in a press release that "the Church in China has gone through persecution, suffering and imprisonment since 1949" but it concluded that "now, in the post Red Guard period, the churches are flourishing" with one or two congregations opening every day.

"The church has grown remarkably strong during these years. There are estimates of a community of between 40 and 50 million Christians in China; some put the number even higher."

The BWA added that "this is not with the Western understanding of religious freedom which includes witness beyond the walls of the church building" but, it said "with their freedom of worship it is amazing how God’s Spirit is moving in China."


BWA delegates made the announcement after talks with Chinese officials, church leaders and a former president of the China Christian Council, the official government backed body for church affairs.

"It was a rare honor to be hosted for dinner by the past president of the China Christian Council, Dr. Han Wenzao," the BWA said in its release. "It was a beautiful evening of sharing the joys of the new church in China." The official was quoted as saying there are now "probably 15,000 churches in China" with another 20,000 meeting points or missions.

"No wonder Chinese Christian leaders say, “The 21st century belongs to us,!” the BWA stressed. But human rights watchers say that only churches acknowledged by the Communist authorities are allowed to operate, while especially active evangelical Christians and those opposing Communism or government intervention are persecuted.  


BWA also expressed delight in being able to view in Hong Kong the "Exhibition of the History of the Bible in China" sponsored by the China Christian Council.

The Voice Of the Martyrs recently published what it called "photographic evidence" of the torture of detained Christians by Chinese police. China denies the authenticity of the pictures. 
"Ironically when the date of the Exhibition started on August 6, more than 100 house church Christian leaders were arrested in Henan and many more of their relatives were arrested the second day," said an angry Bob Fu, President of China Aid Association, which investigates the plight of persecuted Christians.

"Three Christian activists were sentenced to three years in prison on the same day as well," he added. "Instead of changing its repressive religious policy and bad behavior, the Chinese government and its ‘patriotic religious’ subordinates try to put blame on the western media and so-called ‘anti-China’ forces for its negative image."


However "who creates these images when three crying children were arrested along with their parents pastor Zhang Xiaofang and Xiang Zhi and 100 others by over 200 military police on August 6 (in) Henan province?," he wondered.

Fu said at least six relatives of the arrested received official criminal detention notice on August 7 that their loved ones were ‘Evil Cult’ leaders.  In addition Ms. Ru Xifeng and Ms. Ma Na, the mother of arrested pastor Xu Feng and the wife of arrested pastor Han Quanshui respectively,  were taken away from their houses by police on August 8,  he claimed.

He said persecution has reduced the number of churches. "before the last Imperial dynasty disappeared, there were recorded over 400 churches in Beijing and Shanghai. Now, there are barely thirty churches left for a population of over 30 million. Where have the rest gone?," Fu asked.

Glenn Penner,  spokesman of Voice Of the Martyrs Canada,  said it "is tragic to see how these well-meaning people" of the BWA, "were naively used by the Communist government in an attempt to rehabilitate China’s flagging public image as one of the most religious rights violators in the world."

"One would think that Christians would have learned long ago from experience in the Soviet Union that you just cannot trust what government sanctioned religious organizations show and tell you," Penner added in a statement received by BosNewsLife.


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