presidential election in half a century. In a telephone call to the White House, Kerry congratulated President George W. Bush and urged him to overcome sharp divisions in the country.       

Bush told Kerry in the short phone call Wednesday that he was an "admirable, worthy" opponent who should be proud of the presidential campaign he ran, the White House said.
"I think you were an admirable, worthy opponent," Bush told Kerry, according to White House Spokesman Scott McClellan. "You waged one tough campaign. I hope you are proud of the effort you put in [the campaign]. You should be." 
The European Union already congratulated Bush.  However in a small set back for Bush and showing the challenges ahead, at least one ally, Hungary, already made it clear it would no longer support the American led coalition in Iraq.
Hungary’s new Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany said his country will withdraw its 300 non-combat troops from Iraq by the end of March. Other former Communist countries, including Poland,  have also expressed their intention to withdraw or reduce troops in Iraq.
The interim Iraqi government asked Hungary last week to keep its troops there for about another year. "We are obliged to stay there until the (Iraqi) elections. To stay longer is impossibility," Gyurcsany reportedly said at a ceremony to mark the end of mandatory military service in Hungary after 136 year.
Iraq’s elections are to be held by Jan. 31.  Hungary had said it would make public its decision on Iraq, after the presidential election, BosNewsLife learned earlier.   Bush’s victory has been linked to his support among millions of evangelical Christians as well as the military and white male Americans.  Kerry did well among blacks, women and other specific groups, several polls suggested. 
Millions of Americans formed ‘prayer chains’ ahead of the elections,  and the television evangelist Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network endorsed Bush.


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