condition worsened early Friday, April 1, amid reports he received his Last Rites.

The Cable News Network (CNN) said the 84-year-old leader of the world’s 1 billion Roman Catholics was administered the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, citing unidentified people familiar with the pope’s condition. Reuters news agency quoted church sources as saying it was likely the pontiff had received the sacrament, "given the precarious state of his health."
In statements the Vatican admitted that the pope’s health situation had worsened after it was
revealed that he had a feeding tube inserted through his nose to help improve his nutrition.
"The holy father today was hit by a high fever caused by an infection of the urinary tract.
Appropriate antibiotic therapy has begun."


Italian media suggested that the pope was to weak to be rushed to hospital. Doctors reportedly revealed that the Pontiff is "sick, very sick", but he will not be hospitalized for the time being.

News about his health came just days after thousands of pilgrims in Saint Peters Square, many with tears in their eyes, watched how the pope for the first time in his 26-year papacy was unable to say an Easter Blessing Sunday.

"We felt we were saying goodbye to him," Bloomberg news agency quoted Kathleen Corren, a retired social worker from Middlesbrough, England, as saying at the time. "We thought this was going to be the end for him and wanted to be there for him," said Corren, who traveled to Vatican City for the event.


The polish-born pontiff, who became pope on October 16, 1978, has also been suffering from Parkinson’s Disease for years and the effects of an assassination attempt. Recently he has been convalescing from throat surgery for more than a month and aides reportedly said he was disappointed by "the slow pace" of his recovery.

At times the pope appeared clearly frustrated when he greeted the crowd from his apartment window in Vatican City. (With reports from Vatican City, Rome and BosNewsLife) 


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