its gathering in Geneva, after China’s delegation objected to his presentation, BosNewsLife learned Wednesday, April 6. Bob Fu, a former Chinese House Church leader, was invited at the ongoing UNCHR meeting as he and his wife were both imprisoned for two months in 1996 for their "illegal religious activities" before fleeing to the West.

Fu, who now leads the human rights watchdog China Aid Association (CAA), displayed and demonstrated "an electric-shock baton smuggled out of China" during the Geneva gathering when suddenly the Chinese delegation complained that the equipment "made them feel
threatened", his organization said.


"It was made in China used by the Chinese police and interrogators to torture religious victims," CAA added in a statement to BosNewsLife. Despite "previous agreements [with] both the Commission secretary office and the UN security guards" Fu’s UN badge and the electric baton were taken away by United Nations security and "without giving any explanation, Rev. Fu was ordered to leave the UN complex," CAA claimed.

UN officials were not immediately available for comment. CAA said that while Fu was away, China used the plenary floor to demand an apology and to threaten "to shut up all" non- governmental organizations, including A Woman’s Voice International which supported Fu’s presentation.

"Is unbelievable that the torturers demand an apology from the representative of the tortured religious minority," said Bob Fu in a statement to BosNewsLife News Center. The incident happened as Fu highlighted "three major cases of religious intolerance and torture in  China," CAA added.       


Fu claimed that Pastor Cai Zhuohua from Beijing, who was arrested September 11, 2004, on charges of printing "illegal religious literature" was "repeatedly tortured by electric shocks and forced to falsely confess" to a crime punishable by up to 15 years in jail. His wife Xiao Yunfei was arrested November 27, 2004, CAA said.

Fu also mentioned Pastor Gong Shengliang, who was sentenced to life in prison October 10, 2002, for his Christian activities and alleged that his "mental and physical health has suffered due to the harsh treatment in prison."

Even 74-year old Mr. Chen Jingmao of Chongqing City was sentenced, October 10, 2002, to four years in prison "for sending his granddaughter to a Bible class training school," Fu reportedly said, according to a transcript. "Chen will die in prison if he is not released soon," he added. CAA urged all UNCHR Members to demand that China will release Gong Shengliang, Cai Zhuohua and Chen Jingmao without delay and to "hold China accountable for upholding the freedoms of thought, conscience, religion and belief for all its citizens."

The UNCHR, composed of 53 States, meets each year in regular session in March and April for six weeks in Geneva. Over 3,000 delegates from member and observer States and non-governmental organizations participate, according to the organization.
(With BosNewsLife News Center and reports from Geneva). 


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