event is part of Chinese government efforts "to cover up religious persecution."

The government-sponsored six-day event at the Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Northeast Atlanta, focuses on the church and Bible ministries in China, after a similar exhibition in Los Angeles from late April to early May.

"Those who know well about the operation of the Chinese government and its sanctioned religious organizations should acknowledge this exhibition is nothing but a PR campaign to cover up the religious persecution image in the US," said advocacy group China Aid Association (CAA) which has contacts with ‘underground’ house churches.

"It’s rather ironical that Beijing House Church pastor Cai Zhuohua is serving a three years sentence in a Chinese prison for printing Bibles in China since last year while the propaganda message of this Bible exhibition is that there is freedom to print Bibles in China," said Rev. Bob Fu, a former house church leader and current president of CAA,


He said it’s "a shame for the organizers to invite the top Communist Party religious persecutor like Mr. Ye Xiaowen and Ms. Cao Shengjie to spread lies to American people."

Fu claimed that Ye Xiaowen, the director of China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA), Ye Xiaowen is directly responsible for "hundreds of arrests of House church pastors and other persecution cases to independent religious groups."

Cao Shengjie is the leader of the Chinese Communist Party controlled organization with religious uniforms which is called the China Christian Council (CCC). Chinese officials however have denied human rights abuses, saying Christians are free to worship in the state approved churches. There are about 80-million Christians in China, rights groups estimate. (With BosNewsLife Research).


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