mixed Lebanese-Dutch families to return to war ravaged Lebanon.

"In recent days we received reports that these families have been requested to leave the Netherlands and return to Lebanon," said the ChristenUnie, or ‘ChristianUnion’, (CU), a parliamentary party.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says there is a cease-fire signed [with Israel], so the people can return. But the CU thinks this is to early because the international peacekeeping force is still in the build-up phase," the party said in a statement to BosNewsLife.

The CU said it had asked some tough questions to Minister for Immigration and  Integration Rita Verdonk, who earlier came under pressure for considering to send former Muslims who converted to Christianity back to Iran, where they could face execution.


In the questions the CU wonders about reports that "Lebanese partners" of Dutch people "have to request permission for temporary residence in the Netherlands, Although the embassy is currently closed there."

The CU also asks the minister whether she realizes that the Dutch embassy in Damascus, in neighboring Syria, "is no alternative for some Lebanese groups, including Christians," amid reports of persecution.

In the questionnaire obtained by BosNewsLife the CU also wonders whether it is true that Lebanese refugees will have to leave "within 90 days" and how that is possible "at a time when the United Nations force is not yet fully operational."


"Are you ready to extend the stay of at least some people,?" the CU asks Verdonk. TheAt least 11 illegal immigrants died in Schiphol airport fire. minister was not immediately available for comment. Some Christian politicians and church leaders have expressed concerns over what they see as the inadequate treatment of refugees, including Christians.

Thursday’s questions came on the heels of a leaked independent inquiry report in which the Dutch authorities are blamed for the deaths of 11 illegal immigrants in a  fire at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport.

The report says the Dutch justice ministry had  been warned the airport’s prison complex was a fire risk before the blaze broke out November 27, last year.

Government officials have blasted the report, while lawyers for the victims’ relatives have said they may sue the government.


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