on Burma’s military government to stop persecuting political opponents and minority groups, including Christians.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) also said it was "astonished" that South Africa voted against the resolution, "given its own struggle against apartheid."

The resolution demanded that the military government of Burma, or Myanmar as it is known at the UN, would cease its military attacks on civilians in the ethnic minority regions and end violations of human rights. It also urged the Burma’s leadership to  open up the country to international humanitarian organizations.

The United States and Britain were able to get the nine votes necessary to adopt the resolution in the 15-member Council. France, Italy, Belgium, Slovakia, Ghana and Peru joined them in voting ‘yes’. But South Africa joined Russia and China in voting ‘no’, while three other elected members, Indonesia, Qatar and Congo, abstained.


Russian and Chinese ambassadors argued however that Burma should not be on the agenda of the Security Council because the UN Charter gives the Security Council authority only in the case of threats to international peace and security.

"Of course there are problems in Myanmar. But we believe these problems do not constitute a threat to regional or international peace and security," said China’s UN envoy Wang Guangya.

Friday’s vote marked the first time Beijing and Moscow have joined in a veto since 1972. Some analysts have linked the reluctance by China and Russia to criticize Burma to historic ties and trade, including defense contracts. It was their first double veto since 1972  

Some analysts have linked the reluctance by China and Russia to criticize Burma to historic ties and trade, including defense contracts. 


Burma’s UN Ambassador Kyaw Tint Swe reportedly said he was encouraged by the resolution’s failure saying that his country had good relations with all other Southeast Asian nations. "Myanmar has close and cordial relations with all her five neighbors and other countries in the region and beyond. She does not engage in any activity aimed at undermining peace and security in any country," he said.

US Ambassador Alejandro Wolff disagreed and expressed deep disappointment that China and Russia vetoed the resolution. However Wolff said it was an effort "to bring this situation to attention of the world community and to send a clear signal" to the Burmese people, "that we haven’t forgotten you and we won’t forget you."

Britain’s UN Ambassador Emyr Jones-Parry said "It was quite clear in the statements made in the discussions, that we all share a deep concern about the plight of the beleaguered people of Burma/Myanmar."

CSW warned it would continue to lobby to get the issue of Burma back onto the Security Council agenda. "The gross violations of human rights, including violations of religious freedom, combined with the crisis of HIV/AIDS, drug trafficking and refugee outflows should make Burma a matter of serious concern to the international community," said CSW’s Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas.


"We are deeply disappointed that China and Russia used their veto against such a moderate and constructive resolution."

On January 23, CSW was to release a report on the military government’s persecution of Christians of all ethnicities in Burma, including attacks against churches and the killing of pastors. The report ‘Carrying the Cross: The military regime’s campaign of restriction, discrimination and persecution against Christians in Burma,’ also calls for the continued involvement of the Security Council in Burma.

The military has controlled Burma since 1962, shutting the country off from the outside world. Thousands were killed when soldiers crushed a pro-democracy uprising in 1988.

The United Nations estimates there are 1,100 political prisoners in Burma. This month, 13 Nobel Peace Prize winners held a rally in Washington to call for the release of fellow laureate and pro-democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi. She has been in detention for 17 years. (With BosNewsLife’s Stefan J. Bos and BosNewsLife Research).


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