Moscow. He was detained during a huge security operation to prevent opponents of President Putin gathering at Pushkin Square. The former chess champion leads the United Civil Front group, part of the opposition coalition Other Russia.  It accuses President Putin’s regime of trampling on democracy. The Kremlin says Other Russia destabilises Russia. Mr Kasparov was seen inside a police van waving and smiling at gathered media after his arrest, the Associated Press said.

Reports say dozens of other opposition activists were arrested, as well as some journalists. The BBC’s Moscow correspondent James Rodgers said there was a "colossal" presence by the Russian security forces to stop the protesters getting to the starting point of the rally.

He said Mr Kasparov’s swift arrest followed warnings by the prosecution office on the eve of the march, stating that anyone participating risked being detained. More than 9,000 police had been drafted into Moscow to prevent the rally going ahead.

The planned march came as Russia warned it wanted the extradition of London-based exile Boris Berezovsky. Mr. Berezovsky told the UK’s Guardian newspaper he was plotting "revolution" to overthrow Vladimir Putin.

Accusing Mr Putin of creating an authoritarian regime, the tycoon said that Russia’s leadership could only be removed by force. Later, he clarified his words, stating that he backed "bloodless change" and did not support violence.

Other Russia has called for another massive march in St Petersburg on Sunday, which Moscow has also banned.


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