By BosNewsLife News Center

WASHINGTON, D.C, USA (BosNewsLife)– The United States’ worst economic crisis in generations has made teens more willing to help others facing difficulties, according to a study of a Christian relief group, monitored by BosNewsLife, Tuesday, March 3.
“Though many U.S. adults consider today’s teens to be selfish and lazy, nearly seven out of ten parents say the current economic climate has made their teens “more aware of the needs of others”, said World Vision.
The survey, conducted by researcher Harris Interactive, also investigated parents’ perceptions of their teenagers during the current recession. It found that more than half of parents say their teens support charities actively.
When it comes to volunteering, teens are more likely to give their time than adults, the study said. “More than half of parents (56 percent) say their teens actively support charities, for example by volunteering their time, while less (46 percent) adults say they do so.”
However three out of four adults (77 percent) support charities financially as compared to roughly one in four (26 percent) teens, according to the report.
Yet, conveying the importance of charity to teenagers is “paramount” to parents today, World Vision said. “About nine out of ten (91 percent) parents say they try to emphasize the importance of charity to
their teens and more than three out of five (62 percent) strongly agree.”
The study was conducted between January 29 and February 2, among roughly 2,000 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, of whom 215 are the parent or legal guardian of a child ages 13 to 18 years, the group said.
However the poll also revealed that over half of American adulds view teens as “selfish” (59 percent) and “lazy’ (56 percent). Three out of four adults (76 percent) view teens as “tech-savvy” and about two out of three (67 percent) see them as “intelligent,” the survey showed.
Yet,”We’re encouraged by these results. We wanted a better picture of how teens in America are feeling in the midst of this recession,” said Pat Rhoads, who manages World Vision’s 30-Hour Famine National Program, aimed at raising awareness of children living in poverty.
Last month, half a million teens participated in his program, forsaking food for 30 hours “to get a taste of what the world’s poorest children face,” World Vision added.
A similar event will be held next month. Teens also raised funds “by explaining that $30 a month -just $1 a day can feed and care for a child for 30 days,” the group said.
Worldwide, nearly one in six people, 850 million, go hungry to sleep every day, according to World Vision estimated. Nearly three billion people live on less than $2 a day, the gropp said.
In addition, “26,000 children die each day from preventable causes like hunger, disease and malnutrition.”
Word Vision wants to raise $12.5 million dollars to help fight poverty in countries that include Uganda, Zambia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Haiti, North Korea and other targeted areas where famine, conflict and other crises make children vulnerable.
Several churches and Christian students have helped in raising major donations, World Vision said. (With reporting by BosNewsLife’s Stefan J. Bos).