By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest with BosNewsLife Middle East Service

BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)– Thousands of Christians have participated in the first known “Christian Revival” meeting in one of the most restrictive Islamic countries of the Middle East, BosNewsLife established.
Last month, over “10,000 Christians from all corners of the country” participated in the evangelistic gathering, intended to reawaken interest in the Christian faith, pastors and a church member confirmed in several conversations.
Due to security concerns, BosNewsLife agreed not to name the Middle East nation, where several Christians have been detained by religious police after unauthorized worship services in homes. Some remain in prison, where they are not allowed to openly pray, according to a pastor visiting them regularly.
It was not clear whether any Christians participating in the April 8 “Christian Revival” meeting have been detained.
Pictures showed Christians openly praying and singing in a major center of the capital. It was not clear how many people had made a fist time commitment to follow Jesus Christ, in a nation where security services are closely monitoring Christian services.
Yet, Christian leaders say there is a growing interest in Christianity, despite official figures claiming the country as roughly 100 percent Muslim.
News of the gathering comes amid turmoil throughout the Arabic world.
Christian leaders have said they still hope public calls for democracy will also lead to more freedom for Middle Eastern Christians to openly express their faith and build churches.
However there have been several deadly attacks against Christians and churches in the heavily Islamic region, this year.
I understand not naming the persons taking part in the gathering or even the city but I don’t for the country.