U.S. backed Iraqi Governing Council and the American-led coalition, to prevent "Shi’a Muslim groups attacking Christians."

In a statement released by Barnabas Fund, over 200 mainly Muslim intellectuals and political leaders urged officials to stop "attacks on Christians and cease forcing women to wear the veil," BosNewsLife learned Thursday January 15.

The group also urged Islamic religious leaders to issue fatwas forbidding such "atrocious crimes against humanity and the Islamic [sic] religion".

"Horrific" crimes had been committed against women, forcing them to wear the veil and worst of all was the "terrorising of our Christian brothers", intimidating them to become Muslims, the group said in its statement.


"Christians lived in Iraq for two thousand years and contributed greatly to the region’s civilization, both before and after the coming of Islam," Barnabas Fund, which monitors religious persecution, quoted the intellectuals and politicians as saying.

It takes courage to make this call in post war Iraq, suggested a forum discussion of the Arab Internet website Ankawa.com (http://www.ankawa.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=55&topic=6) where the appeal was originally published in Arabic.

"I welcome this call and applaud those who have made it for their courage and concern for the freedoms of individuals to choose their beliefs, even if we may disagree with them," one message said monitored by BosNewsLife.


Barnabas Fund said that Iraqi church leaders have also been speaking out against the "increasing persecution Christians are now suffering." They claim missiles were launched against a convent in October of last year, and that Christians have received death threats, with many fleeing from Basra.

The new head of the Chaldean Church, Patriarch Emmanuel III, reportedly said that Muslims and Christians had lived side by side for "countless years in love and charity", but that they were now to attacked by extremists from Saudi Arabia and Iran.

United States President George W. Bush had earlier warned of "insurgents" terrorizing the troubled region. Church officials say American intervention is the only way to make sure legislation is not enacted according Islamic law, was Christians will otherwise suffer even more.


Barnabas Fund, which supports persecuted Christians in especially Muslim nations, said the Iraqi Governing Council has nearly finalized a transitional constitution that would have Islam as one of its sources of law, but not the sole one.

"Freedom of religious practice for non-Muslims and equal rights for women would be guaranteed. This is another welcome sign. (But) it remains to be seen whether Iraq’s conservative Shi’a community would accept such a constitution," the organization cautioned.

It urged Christians to "praise God for the bold and sincere move by many of Iraq’s intellectuals and politicians," and to pray the international community will be encouraged "to ensure Iraq adopts a just system of government" guaranteeing "equality for all citizens no matter what their faith."



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