Saturday, October 4, after he collapsed because of exhaustion, his son said.

Wilkerson, 72, had been a key-note speaker during a three-day pastoral conference in Budapest, where he arrived after crusades in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Belarus that were aimed at encouraging pastors in the region’s difficult post-Communist era.

"After preaching for the second time this afternoon, my father, as he walked from the site of the stage, just about collapsed," Gary Wilkerson (45) told the estimated up to 3,000 Hungarians who packed a conference centre in Budapest late Saturday, October 4.

"He was so weary and exhausted (as) he had gotten sick in the last couple of days. And back at the hotel he could barely walk," said his son, who was asked to preach instead of his father.


"My father sends his love to you…he is very disappointed in his heart," he added. "He kept calling me. He called me two or three times. I think he was more nervous about me preaching than I was."

The president of the Evangelical Pentecostal Fellowship in Hungary, Attila Fabian, told BosNewsLife that Wilkerson was suffering of a heart condition.

"However he did not have a heart attack, he was just very tired after so many engagements," said Fabian. He had earlier asked the crowd to pray for the senior evangelist and reverend, who is also author of best sellers, including CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE, and founder of several evangelical ministries.

Wilkerson was expected to return early Sunday, October 5, to New York, where he pastors the Times Square Church, attended by 8,000 people from over 100 nationalities.


As he began preaching, Gary Wilkerson thanked Hungarians for "not running to the exits," adding that his father was praying for him "so you will receive a double portion tonight" of the Holy Spirit.

"My father said: "if they all walk out don’t worry about it. If just one person stays, you preach your heart out." So I am going to preach my heart out," said Gary Wilkerson.

He recalled how his father had missed his birth in 1958. David Wilkerson was busy converting Nicky Cruz, a violent gang leader in New York city. Cruz soon gave his life to Jesus and became a well known preacher.

"Nicky Cruz still gives me presents. He always says: "Gary when you was born in the flesh, I was also born in the Kingdom…" Gary Wilkerson said he realized that some Hungarians listening to him "were contemplating suicide."


But he stressed that Jesus Christ can make anyone a new creation. "If he could heal Nicky Cruz, he can heal you," he said. The younger Wilkerson also urged his listeners to give up "religious routine" in a country known for its Catholic traditions, saying it was important to have a living relationship with the Lord.

He admitted he had struggled with his faith in God "four years ago", when his 15 year old son started to experience drugs, sex and heavy metal music.

His son, a talented musician and singer, even received a record contract and expected "to make millions of dollars." But three long years later, he returned to his father who had prayed for him , saying he had chosen Jesus. "He is now in full-time in ministry," Wilkerson said.


Following his emotionally charged testimony, up to 500 people came forward to make a fresh start with God or to give their lives to Jesus Christ, estimated pastor Fabian, who was also the chief organizer of the event in Budapest.

"What I see in your faces is a holy confidence, that God is building you up and that He is going to bless you," said Wilkerson to those standing in front of the platform.

Earlier, Friday, October 3, hundreds of Hungarians, including drugs addicts and alcoholics, also answered the call to "have a new life in Jesus" while David Wilkerson was still speaking, ANS observed.


The public meetings were the highlights of the three day "Passion for Jesus" pastoral conference, where both Wilkerson’s encouraged especially elderly pastors to "be renewed" by the Holy Spirit of God.

"Some of the older pastors, particularly in this city and in this nation were very discouraged. Some of them even told us they had heard a prophecy that God is not using the elder generation in this nation any longer. Some of them believed that, and were very discouraged," Gary Wilkerson told ANS.

"My father preached specifically to them and encouraged them. We need both the older and younger generations. There was a real boost in faith and many people were challenged and encouraged," he explained.


"I myself came forward to be renewed," said 59-year old Fabian, who was persecuted as a Pentecostal pastor under Communism.

"Wilkerson showed us that we have to be open for the renewal of the spirit" and look over the church walls, added Daniel Szabo, a lay leader of the Hungarian Reformed Church and key official of the World Reformed Fellowship.

The event was expected to give a boost to efforts by groups of Christians praying for a revival in Hungary, one of those countries with the world’s highest suicide rates. Next year Hungary will join the European Union, which the Wilkerson’s hope will be blessed with a constitution mentioning the name of God.


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