15 killed militants and said it was also preparing to release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners aspart of acease fire agreement with the Palestinian Authority. In a statement sent to BosNewsLife the cabinet said it had "discussed the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee on the Release of Palestinian Prisoners and decided to recommend to [Israeli] President Moshe Katsav and the authorized bodies that 500 Palestinian prisoners and detainees be released.".

The "Coordination for implementing the release will be carried out by a committee chaired by Justice Ministry Director-General Aharon Abramovitz and with the participation of representatives from all relevant bodies," the government added.
Israel holds about 8,000 Palestinian prisoners, and recently elected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said securing their release is a top priority.


The Israeli government initially insisted that anyone involved "in deadly attacks against Israelis" would not be considered for release, but Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has now said he might consider making some exceptions.

It came as Israel handed over the remains of 15 militants killed in shooting or bomb attacks against Israelis within  the past two years. The bodies were taken to Gaza for release to Palestinian authorities and waiting family members, the Voice of America (VOA) network and other news reports said.

Analysts say both sides appear to be ready on seizing this opportunity to end more than four years of violence in which about 4,500 people died. The prisoner releases and transfer of West Bank towns to Palestinian control are part of a package of goodwill gestures designed to build confidence and pave the way to an eventual return to peace negotiations.


The announcement came after a top Sharon aide, Raanan Gissin, said law enforcement agencies would show "zero tolerance" toward Jewish extremists after a cabinet minister received death threats against his children and a second top official had the tires of his car slashed.
"Ministers Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Haim Ramon raised the issue of the spreading violence in the country and the violent and threatening remarks against Prime Minister Sharon and other ministers," the cabinet confirmed in a statement sent to BosNewsLife. "The Cabinet held a preliminary discussion of the issue [and] Prime Minister Sharon directed Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Attorney General Meni Mazuz" and security foces "to present to the Cabinet forthwith the steps that are to be taken in order to rein in violently unruly behavior."

Despite the threats and some isolated incidents, a general calm has prevailed since Palestinian militants agreed to a de-facto truce in talks with Abbas in Gaza, said reporters in the region. The Palestinian leader has made clear his administration will not tolerate any violations of the cease-fire he announced during a summit with Sharon last week.

Abbas has told the New York Times newspaper that the war with Israel is effectively over. But Jewish settlers and some Christian groups supporting Israel remain doubtful.  
(With: BosNewsLife News Center, Stefan J. Bos, reports from Israel)


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