The 76-year-old woman, Shuang Shuying, is in a "very serious health situation," said the China Aid Association (CAA), which has close contacts with underground Chinese house churches, in a message to BosNewsLife.

She has been treated in that medical she was sentenced to two-years imprisonment on February 26 because of her involvement in defending persecuted Christians, CAA said. In April the Beijing Intermediate People’s Court rejected reportedly rejected her appeal.

"She is held in the kitchen hall in a one bedroom apartment with two other female prisoners. while two female Public Security Bureau officers stay at the bedroom" day and night, CAA added. Medical staff were quoted as saying that "she is too weak" to be send to a formal prison because "of heart problems, diabetes and other medical" difficulties.


Officially, Shuang was sentenced  by Beijing Chongwen District People’s Court on charges of "willfully damaging public and private property." Shuang was also accused of using her cane to destroy the hood of a police car and electronic equipment.

However CAA said earlier the destruction happened as a "police car tried to run over her and she used her cane to protect herself." The incident reportedly happened February 7, when Shuang went to the Chongwen District government building seeking the whereabouts of her arrested son, Pastor Hua Huiqi.

"She was then forcefully put into a reception room by a group of [Public Security Bureau] officers. During the struggle, her cane hit the police car and its [electronic] touch-screen," CAA claimed. Human rights watchers say that by arresting Pastor Hua and detaining his mother for two years until then end of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, the Beijing authority "wants to clean up" what it considers "trouble makers".


Both Pastor Hua and his mother have been very active in defending "persecuted Christians and other socially oppressed groups in China," CAA explained.

The trial of her detained son, Beijing house church rights activist  Hua Huiqi, was to start within two weeks at the  Chaoyang District People’s Court, CAA said. The court has allegedly prevented his lawyer to meet with Hua.

Chinese officials have not reacted to the latest developments which have been linked to concern within the Communist Party about the spread of Christianity in China.  CAA urged Christians to "write and call to show" their concern for Shuang Shuying who stays at the Beijing 999 Emergency Treatment Center, Dewai Qinghe Nanzhen Town, 100085, Beijing, China. The phone number was identified as +86-10-62922345. (With reports from China). 

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