Eritrea Releases Three Christian Women From Military Camp
By BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent Eric Leijenaar
ASMARA, ERITREA (BosNewsLife)-- Three women were free Friday, May 8, as Eritrean authorities unexpectedly released them from a notorious military prison camp where they were detained for six months because of their membership of a "banned" Christian movement, an advocacy group with close knowledge of the situation said.

Swine Flu Slaughter Of Pigs Threatens Egypt’s Christians’ Livelihood
By BosNewsLife Middle East Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)-- The livelihood of at least hundreds of thousands of Christians in Cairo and other areas was threatened Wednesday, May 6, as Egypt's government announced it
would go ahead with slaughtering the country's pigs to combat swine flu and improve hygienic conditions.

BREAKING NEWS: Libya Frees Ghanian Christian After Eight Years Imprisonment
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
TRIPOLI, LIBYA (BosNewsLife)-- Libya has released a Ghanian believer who was sentenced in 2001 to 25 years in prison for importing evangelistic materials, a major rights group involved in the case confirmed Monday, May 4.

Christians Under Attack in Sudan
By BosNewsLife Africa Service
KHARTOUM, SUDAN (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in Sudan faced another tense day Wednesday, April 29, amid reports that followers of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir have intensified attacks on Christians and others they believe support the International Criminal Court's recent decision to prosecute the president for his alleged involvement in atrocities in the Darfur region.

Egypt Ex-Muslim And Husband In Hiding; Violence Kills Two
By BosNewsLife Middle East Service
CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)-- An ex-Muslim who converted to Christianity and her Christian husband were in hiding Tuesday, April 28, amid threats from family members and police, the latest in a series of attacks against Coptic Christians this month, in which at least two people were killed, several sources said.

NEWS ALERT: Libya Releases Christian Converts From Prison
By BosNewsLife News Center
TRIPOLI, LIBYA (BosNewsLife)-- Amid international pressure, Libya has released four Christians who were detained for converting from Islam, after nearly three months of imprisonment, BosNewsLife learned Tuesday, April 21 from a key advocacy group involved in the case.

Eritrea’s Government Involved In Attacking Rights Activists Abroad, Group Claims
By BosNewsLife News Center
ASMARA/ROME (BosNewsLife)-- Christian rights activists have expressed concerns over the alleged international efforts by Eritrea's government to intimidate opponents of its policies, after an Italian human rights defender was seriously injured when Eritrean government supporters apparently threw rocks and bottles at her during a demonstration in Rome.
Eritrea’s “Repressive Government” May Use European Aid Package, Groups Warn
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife
ASMARA, ERITREA (BosNewsLife)-- Four religious liberty groups urged the European Commission, the European Union's executive branch, Wednesday, April 1, "to ensure that aid money” allocated to Eritrea "reaches and benefits the people of that country," amid concerns it may only reach "one of the most repressive" governments of Africa.

Morocco Expels Christian Missionaries
By BosNewsLife News Center
RABAT, MOROCCO (BosNewsLife)-- Morocco said Sunday, March 29, it has expelled five Christian missionaries because they were "ilegally" trying to convert Muslims to Christianity.

Eritrea Releases Elderly Detained Christians
Eric Leijenaar, BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
ASMARA, ERITREA (BosNewsLife)-- Three elderly Christian men have been released on bail from a military prison camp and police facility in Eritrea, Christian rights investigators confirmed Friday, March 20.