MISSION WATCH: Africa Peacekeepers Reach Embattled Polish Missionaries

By BosNewsLife Africa Service peacenowBANGUI/WARSAW (BosNewsLife)-- International peacekeepers have reached Polish Christian missionaries who were trapped in weeks of looting and violence in troubled Central African Republic, Polish media reported Friday, February 14.

BREAKING NEWS: The Gambia Sentences British Missionaries To Hard Labor Prison

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife with reporting from The Gambia 0_61_123008_gambia_couple5BANJUL, THE GAMBIA (BosNewsLife) -- Two British missionaries spent New Year behind bars in The Gambia after being sentenced to one-year jail terms with hard labor for allegedly criticizing the government of President Yahya Jammeh, who critics say has led the tiny African nation with an iron fist.

BREAKING NEWS: Libya’s Gadhafi Dies After Capture (Update)

By BosNewsLife Africa Service TRIPOLI, LIBYA (BosNewsLife)-- Moammar Gadhafi, the autocratic former Libyan leader who ruled his country for over 40 years, has died in rebel hands, a spokesman said Thursday, October 20, but minority Christians remained concerned about their nation's future.

Somalia Militants Kill Christian As Attacks Spread

By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
SOMALIA AL SHABABMOGADISHU, SOMALIA (BosNewsLife)-- Fighters of Somalia's feared Islamic militant group al-Shabab have killed another Somali Christian as part of an apparent crackdown on "non-Islamic culture," rights activists said.

Sudan Frees Christian Czech Missionary After International Pressure

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife PRAGUE/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- The Czech Republic's Foreign Ministry says a Czech Christian who was sentenced to a stiff prison term in Sudan last month has been released and returned home late Sunday, February 26, with the Czech Foreign minister. The release of Petr Jašek followed international pressure.

NEWS ALERT: Nigeria Church Bomb Blast Kills 4; Deadly Reprisals

By Paul Jongas, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Nigeria KADUNA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Tensions remained high in Nigeria's volatile city of Kaduna on Monday, October 29, after a suicide bomber drove his vehicle packed with explosives into a Catholic church Church, killing at least four worshipers, wounding nearly 100 and triggering deadly reprisal attacks, officials said  

Egypt Police Detains Muslim In Murder Of Christian

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service p10100871CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)-- Egyptian police have detained a Muslim man who allegedly killed a Coptic Christian and seriously injured two other Copts in two different villages, north of the capital Cairo, Christians said Wednesday September 23.

NEWS ALERT: Sudan Christians Urge Prayers As Deadly Violence Overshadows Independence Vote

By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
Most people in southern Sudan are expected to vote for independence.KHARTOUM/JUBA (BosNewsLife)-- Sudanese Christians have requested continued prayer amid an ongoing referendum on southern independence and reports that nearly two dozen people died in ethnic clashes near Sudan's north-south border.

Egypt Muslims Burn Christian Homes; 3 Injured

By BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos and Joseph DeCaro CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)-- Four people were injured and Muslims burned down eight Christian homes in southern Egypt amid clashes over the alleged illegal construction of a church, Christians and officials said.

100 Christians Killed In Nigeria Violence

By BosNewsLife Africa Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
JOS, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- The Christian community in Nigeria's central Plateau state are anxiously awaiting the arrival of some 1,300 additional riot police following weeks of sectarian violence that reportedly killed as many as 100 Christians.