BREAKING NEWS: The Gambia Sentences British Missionaries To Hard Labor Prison

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife with reporting from The Gambia 0_61_123008_gambia_couple5BANJUL, THE GAMBIA (BosNewsLife) -- Two British missionaries spent New Year behind bars in The Gambia after being sentenced to one-year jail terms with hard labor for allegedly criticizing the government of President Yahya Jammeh, who critics say has led the tiny African nation with an iron fist.

NEWS ALERT: Gambia Prosecution Delays Appeal Detained British Missionary

By BosNewsLife Africa Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos

articlehereBANJUL, THE GAMBIA (BosNewsLife)-- The appeal of a frail British missionary detained in The Gambia on what Christians describe as "trumped up" charges of "sedition" has been delayed after prosecutors failed to attend a scheduled hearing and prison authorities did not produce him in court, BosNewsLife learned Wednesday, June 10.

Detained British Missionary Couple Plea For Clemency

By Mary Priddy, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent _45274362__45269874_-153-150x1501BANJUL, THE GAMBIA (BosNewsLife) -- A British missionary couple sentenced to one year jail terms with hard labor for "sedition" in The Gambia, has "apologized" to the government of President Yahya Jammeh and asked him for clemency through a letter read on national television.

The Gambia Sentences British Missionaries To Hard Labor Prison

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife with reporting from The Gambia _45274362__45269874_-153BANJUL, THE GAMBIA (BosNewsLife) -- Two British missionaries spent New Year behind bars in The Gambia after being sentenced to one-year jail terms with hard labor for allegedly criticizing the government of President Yahya Jammeh, who critics say has led the tiny African nation with an iron fist.