European Legislator Condemns Closure Bethlehem Church

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service BETHLEHEM/JERUSALEM (BosNewsLife)-- A European Parliament member has condemned the reported closure of the Arabic First Baptist Church in Bethlehem by the Palestinian Authority.

BREAKING NEWS: Israeli Army Fighting In Gaza City

By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Chief Middle East Correspondent reporting from Israel ap-palestinians-run-during-an-israeli-airstrike-in-rafah-eng-190-12jan091JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Israeli forces entered Gaza City Tuesday, January 13, battling Hamas militants and marking a new phase in Israel's 18-days offensive that Palestinian medics say left over 900 people dead and thousands more injured.

BosNewsLife Week in Review: Christians Killed, Jews Called ‘Security Risk’ By Extremists (Nov.25-Dec.2)

By BosNewsLife News Center in Budapest bosnewslifelogo BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- BosNewsLife's November 25-December 2 news week began with a massive explosion as at least five people were killed and dozens injured when a suicide bomber drove a car full of explosives into a church inside the Jaji military barracks in Nigeria's northern Kaduna state.

U.N. Admits Its School Was Not Hit By Israel (BosNewsLife Investigation)

By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Chief Middle East Correspondent reporting from Israel MIDEAST ISRAEL PALESTINIANSJERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) -– The United Nations admitted Thursday, February 5, that the Israel Defense Force (IDF) did not hit a United Nations-run school, correcting its earlier media statements that a massacre occurred within the U.N. education facility.

BREAKING NEWS: Israel Opens Humanitarian Corridor

afp_palestinians_victim_israel_gaza_07jan09_190(ADDS MORE DETAILS, HAMAS REACTION) BosNewsLife Middle East Service JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) -- Israel is halting its military operations for three hours a day beginning Wednesday, January 7, to allow humanitarian aid to enter into Gaza, Israeli officials said.

NEWS WATCH: Palestinian Rivals Condemn Israel’s Netanyahu

By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Chief Middle East Correspondent ap_israel_peres_netanyahu_22JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) –- In a rare show of unity, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has aligned with Palestinian militant group Hamas in criticizing Israel's choice for prime minister, BosNewsLife learned Saturday February 21

BREAKING: U.N. Halts Aid To Gaza After Hamas Seizes Supplies

By George Whitten, BosNewsLife Middle East Chief Correspondent hamas_war0402JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) -– The United Nations announced Friday, February 6, it has stopped sending humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip after militants of the Hamas group apparently seized 300 tons of supplies, in the second such incident in as many days.

URGENT BREAKING NEWS: Israel Launches Ground Offensive In Gaza (UPDATE 4)

(ADDS COMMENTS DEFENSE MINISTER, IDF, MORE DETAILS) By BosNewsLife Chief Middle East Correspondent George Whitten reporting from Israel and Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent at BosNewsLife News Center
picture4JERUSALEM/GAZA CITY (BosNewsLife)-- Israel has begun a major ground offensive in the Gaza Strip aimed at destroying the terrorist infrastructure of the militant Islamic group Hamas, Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak confirmed late Saturday, January 3.

BREAKING NEWS: Rockets From Lebanon Hit Israel; Gaza Battle Rages (In-Depth)

By George Whitten, Jerusalem Bureau Chief JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife) -- Suspected militants fired several rockets into Israel from neighboring Lebanon Wednesday, January 14, the second such attack in a week, residents and Israeli officials said.

Palestinians Remember Murdered Christian Bookstore Leader

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service news-gaza-ayyad-oct071-150x1501JERUSALEM/GAZA CITY (BosNewsLife)-- Palestinian Christians on Tuesday, October 7, urged prayers as they observed the second anniversary of the day that militants murdered the director of the only known Christian bookstore in the Gaza Strip.