BREAKING: World Leaders Lead Charlie Hebdo March Amid Controversy (Live)

WATCH LIVE COVERAGE HERE: By BosNewsLife News Center marchhPARIS, FRANCE (BosNewsLife)-- Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was among leaders participating in Sunday's march to honor 17 victims of terrorism, which began with a massacre at a satirical weekly and continued with attacks on a Kosher supermarket, after he urged Jewish people to relocate.

BREAKING: Iran “Delaying” Tuesday Execution Pastor Nadarkhani; Concerns Remain

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Iran delayed the execution of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani which was due Tuesday, February 28, apparently amid international pressure, an online Israeli news network reported.  

Israel Probes Church Fire In Jerusalem

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Israeli authorities continue to investigate an arson attack on a Jerusalem church building that church h officials say has long been a focal point for anti-Christian sentiment in a Jewish ultra-Orthodox-leaning neighborhood.

Israel Investigating Firebomb Attack On Monastery

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service graffiti JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Israeli police were investigating on Wednesday, August 21, a fire bomb attack on a a Roman Catholic monastery, which also involved anti-Christian graffiti.

Iran:’Arson Attack At Tomb Esther and Mordechai’

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos JERUSALEM/TEHRAN (BosNewsLife)-- Iranian officials have admitted that fire broke out at an ancient...

BREAKING NEWS: US Bishops Rush To Israel As Ground Offensive Continues (BosNewsLife In-Depth)

By BosNewsLife Chief International Correspondent Stefan J. Bos with additional reporting by BosNewsLife Chief Middle East Correspondent George Whitten in Israel ap_israel_offensive_gaza_victim_05jan09_190JERUSALEM/GAZA CITY (BosNewsLife)-- More than half of the United States' Lutheran bishops were on their way to Israel Monday, January 5, amid international concerns that an Israeli offensive against the militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip would lead to more suffering of civilians, including the territory's Christian minority.

NEWS ALERT: Israel Immigration Service Raids African Church; Several Detained

By Eric Leijenaar, BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent tel-aviv-panorama-bigJERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Security forces of Israel's immigration service broke into an African church in Tel Aviv damaging the ceiling and detaining several worshipers, news reports said Tuesday, December 22.

BREAKING: ‘Executed Jesus Christ Risen From Death, Tomb Empty’, Friends Say

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife emptyJERUSALEM (BosNewsLife Columns)-- A man claiming to be the Messiah rose up from death Sunday, March 27, after He died at a cross on Golgotha hill near Jerusalem's walls, friends said. Jesus Christ had been tortured and crucified to death Friday, March 25, by Roman forces, after Jewish crowds rallied against him for claiming he is the Heavenly King who will sit "at the right hand" of his Heavenly Father, giving eternal life to everyone who believes in Him.

Israel Charges Extremist With Attempted Murder Of Messianic Family (BosNewsLife In-Depth)

By BosNewsLife Middle East Service aleqm5gx-yuejtri3wl94tr_nv0zqxznea1JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)-- Israel has charged a Jewish-American extremist with shooting to death two Palestinians and trying to kill others, including a Messianic Jewish family, who received a booby-trapped package in March 2008 that left their son critically injured.

Threats Against Christians In Jerusalem Marks Disturbing Trend (Column)

By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Columnist threats against christians JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife Columns)-- It's disturbing to learn of a growing number of Islamist threats against Christians in the Biblical holy city of Jerusalem. The latest such incident, as reported by BosNewsLife, comes in the form of leaflets that were distributed there last week, purporting to be issued by "Islamic State, Jerusalem Emirate."