India Hindu Militants Attack Evangelical Christians

Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- An evangelical church in central India celebrated Easter this weekend after police harassment and threats from suspected Hindu militants who accused local believers of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity, an evangelical umbrella organization said.

BREAKING NEWS: 11 Syrian Missionaries Beheaded, Crucified For Faith In Christ

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife expertsDAMASCUS, SYRIA (BosNewsLife)-- Eleven Syrian Christian missionaries have been killed by beheading and crucifixion near Syria's war-torn city of Aleppo after they refused to deny their faith in Jesus Christ, colleagues told BosNewsLife Tuesday, October 6.

MISSION WATCH: Missionaries Feared Dead After Plane Disappears

By Eric Leijenaar, BosNewsLife Senior Special Correspondent 142217CARACAS, VENEZUELA (BosNewsLife)-- There were fears Thursday, February 26, that missionaries may have died in a plane crash, ten days after their small aircraft disappeared in the jungles of Venezuela.

NEWS WATCH: Hungary’s Top Nazi War Crimes Suspect Dies At 98 (Breaking)

Listen to this BosNewsLife News story via the Voice of America. Click: VOAHungaryiWarCrimes By Stefan J.Bos, Chief International Correspondent, BosNewsLife scatarynowBUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)-- A 98-year-old Hungarian man who topped the dwindling list of surviving Nazi war crimes suspects has died in the hospital while awaiting trial for allegedly sending nearly 16,000 Jews to the death camps. The announcement about László Csatáry's death was made on Monday, August 12, in Budapest.

BREAKING NEWS: Egypt’s Mubarak Resigns, Future Christians Uncertain

CAIRO, EGYPT (BosNewsLife)-- Amid the largest protests in his three decades rule, Egypt's embattled President Hosni Mubarak resigned Friday, February 11, but the future of the country's Christian minority remained uncertain amid concerns of growing influence of Islamic hardliners in this mainly Muslim nation. (MORE)

China Investigating Killing Of Christian Couple

By BosNewsLife Asia Service ISLAMABAD/BEIJING (BosNewsLife)-- China says it is investigating claims that two of its citizens were engaged in "illegal preaching" before the two Christians were killed by Islamic militants in Pakistan.

‘India Evangelist and Mother Jailed For Evangelism in Karnataka’ (UPDATE)

(ADDS RELEASE ON BAIL, CHANGING LEAD, ADDS COMMENT) By BosNewsLife Asia Service india_-_0821_-_volantino1-300x214-1NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- An Indian evangelist and his mother have been jailed in India's southwestern state of Karnataka for their evangelism activities amid a wider crackdown on Christians in the region, their supporters told BosNewsLife Monday, February 18.

Aid Workers: ‘Hundreds of Christians Slaughtered In Ethiopia’

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA (BosNewsLife)-- Muslim militants have killed hundreds of Christians, including pregnant women, children, and whole...

WORLD WATCH: Tensions Over Russia-US Nuclear Arms Treaty

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife MOSCOW/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- Russia and the West appear to be moving closer to a confrontation after Moscow challenged United States compliance with a key arms control treaty. The standoff came while U.S. ally Lithuania accused Russia of deploying nuclear-capable ballistic missiles to the nearby Kaliningrad enclave on the Baltic.

Evangelical Pastor Facing Abuse In Kazakhstan Prison, Christians Warn

By BosNewsLife News Center KAZAKHSTAN_-_Union_ChurchASTANA/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- An evangelical pastor faced possible abuse in a Kazakhstan prison Tuesday, July 16, nearly two months after he was jailed for harming the health of his congregants by infusing hallucinogens" into the communion juice" and other charges, rights activists told BosNewsLife.