Washington DC Wednesday, October 4, to protest against the persecution of North Korean refugees and people in North Korea, organizers said.

The event was "especially to protest the Chinese government’s repatriation of North Korean refugees back to North Korea," said the US-based religious rights group China Aid Association (CAA), one of the organizers of Wednesday’s events.

"This choir will also protest North Korea leader Kim Jong Il’s attempt to use new nuclear test threats to escape North Korean human rights abuses," CAA added in a statement to BosNewsLife.

On Tuesday, October 3, North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said it would conduct a nuclear weapons test to bolster its self-defense capability. Observers say the move was aimed at pressuring the United States and its allies to ease sanctions that were put in place because of concern over its weapons program and the country’s human rights record. 

Human rights groups claim at least 200,000 people are imprisoned in North Korea’s notorious prison camps, in many cases for their faith in Christ or opposition to the Communist government.

North Korea’s Stalinist system of carrying out Communism is based on "total devotion of the individual to an ideology promoted by the late leader Kim Il Sung and his successor and son, Kim Jong Il, observers who visited the isolated nation said. (With BosNewsLife Research).


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