WorldNetDaily, a conservative website, reportedly said the Islamic outreach Jihadia Salafiya admitted that gunmen affiliated with the group had carried out a deadly attack on a United Nations run school in Gaza on Monday.

One person was killed and six others were wounded when the attackers hurled grenades at the school, after declaring over loudspeakers that the institution was "corrupting Islam" by allowing boys and girls to participate together in sporting activities, said the Israel Today publication.

Jihadia Salafiya reportedly accused the UN of "spreading Christian missionary activity" and "trying to convert our Muslims under the cover of an international organization." The group said it "will keep hitting them and trying to kill them."


Last month, the head of Jihadia Salafiya, Abu Saqer, praised other Muslim elements for bombing a Christian bookstore in Gaza, said online publication Israel Today.

The Bible Society bookstore, which was funded by American Protestants, was severely damaged in the blast. Labib Madanat, the Palestinian Bible Society Executive Director, told reporters that incident was "much worse" compared to the previous attack on the bookshop.

In a statement to television stations, Bible Society said however they "forgave the attackers" and intended to continue working. The Palestinian Bible Society includes a shop and community relief food and development outreaches to impoverished people in Gaza. Human rights group Open Doors has partnered with the Bible Society in Gaza. (With reports from Israel and Gaza).

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