By George Whitten, Jerusalem Bureau Chief

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BosNewsLife)– Pope Benedict XVI has urged the creation of a “true world political authority” to “guarantee the prrotection of the environment” and to manage the global economy, BosNewsLife learned Tuesday, June 22.

The pope issued an encyclical on the eve of the G-8 summit entitled, “Charity in truth“.

An encyclical is the highest form of papal writing, and gives the clearest indication to the world’s 1.1 billion Catholics of what the Vatican thinks about specific social and moral issues.

Pope Benedict said, “there is an urgent need of a true world political authority” whose task would be “to manage the global economy; to revive economies hit by the crisis; to avoid any deterioration of the present crisis and the greater imbalances that would result.”


Such an authority would have to be “regulated by law” and “seek to establish the common good” for the world, the pontiff added.

The authority  “would need to be universally recognized and to be vested with the effective power to ensure security for all, regard for justice, and respect for rights”.

The pope also said he wanted to see the “construction of a social order” that conforms to the “moral order”.

He stressed the need for an  “the interconnection between moral and social spheres, and to the link between politics and the economic and civil spheres”, as envisioned by the charter of the United Nations. (BosNewsLife’s NEWS WATCH is a regular look at key news developments impacting the Church and/or compassionate professionals in these strategic times).


  1. Is this ‘political authority’ going to tell people what to worship and when? Catholic Church has done it before and those who didn’t obey were eliminated. History repeats itself.

  2. What the pope is calling for cannot in fact be political because political implies that persons of different political persuasions come together and form some sort of world government. This will not be possible unless everyone who participates in such an organization “leaves their flags at the door”. All representatives must represent humanity first, with no agendas, no self interest, no political interest. And with today’s communications, these representatives should be chosen by “everybody-all-at-once”, where every person around the globe has the opportunity to vote. These are not my concepts. These are concepts outlined in “Not-Two Is Peace” – a book by Adi Da Samraj, an acknowledged spiritual authority. This is his treatise on the necessity for world peace and how to achieve what is necessary. The organization he calls for is the Global Cooperative Forum. Read it. You will appreciate his summary and masterful analysis, discrimination, and solution.

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