By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife reporting from Budapest

BUDAPEST, HUNGARY (BosNewsLife)– A Budapest court has rejected a libel lawsuit of a Nazi-concentration camp survivor who claims Nobel Peace Prize winning author and human rights activist Elie Wiesel “lies” about his Holocaust past.
Hungarian-born Nikolaus (MiklĂłs) GrĂĽner, now living in Sweden, sued Wiesel supporter and rabbi SlomĂł Köves for accusing him of “falsifying history” with a decades-long investigation. Köves, who helped arrange Wiesel’s “homecoming tour” to Hungary in 2009, also compared GrĂĽner to American academic and author Norman Finkelstein.
In his book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ Finkelstein says Jewish leaders are fueling Europe’s antisemitism by trying to force German and Swiss banks to pay new compensation to those suffering under the Nazis during World War Two.                                            Â
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The Hungarian rabbi also called the 83-year-old GrĂĽner “an elderly man with some kind of complex.” Köves said however that he sympatized with the “horrible suffering” of GrĂĽner as he lost his parents and a brother in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complex in the 1940s.
GrĂĽner told BosNewsLife that the Metropolitan Court Budapest ruled Monday, Febryary 6, that Köves was not guilty of libel as he only “hinted” he may have falsified history. Additionally, the rabbi did not describe GrĂĽner as a liar in his published statements, the court added.
GrĂĽner said he would “appeal the ruling and court procedure and demand a new trial” later this month. “The rabbi basically called me a liar in his statement, but I have worked 26 years on this case,” GrĂĽner added.
He explained that he had been angered by the court’s statement Monday, February 6, that it wasn’t able to rule on whether Wiesel had lied about his Holocaust past because he lives in America.
“I never wanted the Hungarian court to rule on that issue. However I wanted the court to give an opinion about the unjustified statements made by the rabbi.” He said Köves remarks could undermine his plans to directly sue Wiesel in the United States.
Grüner claims that Wiesel stole the identity of his friend and fellow concentration camp inmate Lázár Wiesel, who helped him survive the horrors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau and satellite camps in Nazi-occupied Poland and in Buchenwald camp, in Germany.
The first names “Elie” and “Lázár” are similar to the Hebrew name, Eleazar.
Despite the legal setback in Hungary, GrĂĽner plans to travel to the United States this month to demand that American authorities extradite Wiesel to Hungary and to meet a lawyer representing Holocaust survivors.
GrĂĽner began his research after a Swedish paper arranged a meeting between him and Elie Wiesel in 1986. “I thought I would meet my friend, but I didn’t recognize this man.”
Photo’s and film footage have emerged on the Internet showing a man resembling Elie Wiesel in short sleeves without a visible tattoo. But Wiesel claims he still carries the number on his arm. “I don’t need that to remember, I think about my past every day,” he told American students last year when discussing the tattoo.
“I still have it on my arm – A-7713. At that time, we were numbers. No names, no identity.”
Elie Wiesel does NOT have a concentration camp tattoo. PERIOD!
All he has to do to disprove this is show his arms, otherwise he should be considered a fraud and a liar.
ELLIE WIESEL SAYS HE “still has his number ” HE LIES ….HE DOES NOT , HE HAS BEEN ASKED TO JUST “SHOW ” HIS TATTOO AND cannot and will not ……..he is plainly AN IMPOSTER AND A CONSUMMATE LIAR ….. go see Carolyn yeager research on this LIAR !!!
It would be weird if he claimed to have a tattoo and didn’t really have one. Many survivors don’t have tattoos – the Nazis only did that during certain periods of time during the Holocaust. I know more survivors without tattoos than with them (and there is plenty of other evidence that they really ARE survivors). I’m second generation, and most of the remaining survivors are now so old that some form of dementia might be expected. I love Wiesel’s writing, and would be very sad if he were NOT telling the truth, but that someone might BELIEVE that he stole an identity is not too surprising to me.
Hey, ass, you forgot your closing line about the 700,000 Hungarians deported to the Soviet Union…
Oh, sorry, the 600,000 Jews…
Dear Kohn Izidor,
Am not sure to whom you address your comment, as we have no one working here with that name. Am not sure why you mix the 700,000 Hungarians deported to the Soviet Union with the 600,000 Hungarian Jews who were killed?
Best regards,
Stefan J. Bos, BosNewsLife
(BosNewsLife is saddened to have received anti-semitic messages, including this one. We totally disagree with the following unedited comment. Apparently Annis knows lucifer well…We highly encourage him to turn to Christ instead).
“As an American I have come to loathe jews. They are the parasitic cancer on all of the Earth. In order to have world peace and economic prosperity we should all declare war upon the jew. The holocaust is nothing but a holohoax and jews are the children of the Devil. jews have gotten more people slaughtered than Lucifer Himself. Kill the jew.”
(The comment underscores the climate of fear among Jewish people in several parts of the world, including in several parts of Central and Eastern Europe. Annis apparently doesn’t know the Bible, in which God makes clear he will keep his promises to the people of Israel, including the Jewish people).
(BosNewsLife received the following unfortunate, somewhat shortish comment…It seems that people commenting on it seem to overlook that the man launching the trial himself was, yes, a holocaust survivor….)
Two things are clear:
A) Elie Wiesel does not have any tattoo, as a video on youtube has demonstrated, although he has repeated many times, even upon oath, that he still has his tattoo on his arm;
B) The number he claims to have been tattoed on his arm was assigned to another prisoner, as demonstrated by the Nazi archives.
Everybody can come to his conclusion.
Anyway, Miklos Gruner MUST publish his book, “Stolen identity”, and the world will know and judje. Truth cannot be ascertained in the tribunals, but throughout culture and free debate.
“Finkelstein says Jewish leaders are fueling Europe’s antisemitism by trying to force German and Swiss banks to pay new compensation to those suffering under the Nazis during World War Two.”
That is a grotesque and outrageous lie! That is not Finkelstein’s argument at all. His argument is that certain law-firms and government institutions have been collecting this compensation from German and Swiss banks without paying it to Holocaust survivors. They have kept the money for themselves or funded controversial political projects with them, while Holocaust survivors strave and suffer.
Bosnewslife should be ashamed of himself for this grotesque distortion.
Dear Poyani,
First of all we don’t lie and are now ashamed of ourselves. We could also have mentioned that Finkelstein has accused Israel of exploiting the Holocaust for political ends. This does not mean BosNewsLife agrees with Finkelstein.
Best regards,
Stefan J. Bos
Impossible 🙂
Your words….
Stefan J. Bos
“man launching the trial himself was, yes, a holocaust survivor….)”
Correct.But he only accused Wiesel of being a fake,a fraud.
We ALL know by know that Wiesel is a fraud.
So what kind of sensation are we dealing with?
That someone said loudly what do we know since many years?
Are we loosing a perspective here?
Dear Jerzy Ulicki-Rek,
Ad far as we are aware this is the first time a court case is being heard about the alleged wrongdoings by Elie Wiesel. I leave it up to you whether this is “sensation” but it is certainly NEWS, especially since it was launched by a Holocaust survivor.
Best regards,
Stefan J. Bos
“….with the 600,000 Hungarian Jews who were killed?”
I don’t like to sound…grumpy but as far as I remember…last month.. the number was closer to 440 000….
However..I didn’t check the ‘compassionate professionals ” list today.
Maybe there is a new one..
More compassionate” and even less”professional”.
Dear Jerzy Ulicki-Rek,
I am pleased that you checked the “compassionate professionals” list of BosNewsLife today with the 600,000 number. We don’t have a “new one” and consistently used that figure. Am not sure why you want to go to another site that is “more compassionate” and “even less professional” if you already found this one with, in your words “compassionate professionals”… Unless you are more happy about figures such as 440,000 Hungarian Jews killed. Even that seems to huge to me. At least you seem to agree that hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews have perished in the Holocaust.
Best regards,
Stefan J. Bos
Latest example of “double-speak”
by Jerzy Ulicki-Rek » 15 Apr 2012 12:45 pm
(The comment underscores the climate of fear among Jewish people in several parts of the world, including in several parts of Central and Eastern Europe. Annis apparently doesn’t know the Bible, in which God makes clear he will keep his promises to the people of Israel, including the Jewish people).
Do you see what I see?
“…people of Israel including the Jewish people…”
Let’s think for a second:How many people of Israel we have today in Israel APART from Jewish people? … ent-491320
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
Wolna Polska zaczyna sie tutaj
Dear Jerzy Ulicki-Rek,
At least 10 more tribes of Israel will return to the land that God has promised them. You mix Judah and Benjamin, both of whom often referred to as Jews, with those still living scattered across the world. The Bible makes clear that 10 tribes separated themselves from the House of David and started their own northern kingdom. Eventually the 10 tribes were taken to Babylon. Babylonian forces also captured Judah. Fast-forward, Jews have returned to Judah, or Israel, but that’s not the end of the (Bible) story… Ofcourse besides Jewish people there are many others who are Israeli citizens.
Best regards,
Stefan J. Bos, BosNewsLife
(For moral and legal reasons BosNewsLife want to point out that we obviously strongly disagree with this comment below as there are numerous historical records providing acurate details about what has happened. The writer still seems to agree that hundreds of thousands perished, which in itself seems already huge, though the real figure is around 6 million, with one in 10 of them being a Jewish person of Hungarian decsent. Following is the unedited comment.)
“Unless you are more happy about figures such as 440,000 Hungarian Jews killed. Even that seems to huge to me. At least you seem to agree that hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews have perished in the Holocaust.”
No:)I say that according to IRC the total number of victims in concentration camps was bellow 300 000 .
Even more: I say that so called holocaust is a myth.
I spend more them half of my life(I’m 57 1/2) looking for one single proof supporting the official version.
In vain.
I say that:steam chambers,electric chambers,vacuum chamber and gas chambers is a product of sick imagination and political lie.
Dare to check my findings?
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
Dear Mr. Jerzy Ulicki-Rek,
I am wondering what you want to tell Nikolaus (MiklĂłs) GrĂĽner, who survived Auschwitz. Or you also think we made that up? I know you wanted to promote your link; in general we do NOT promote links on this forum, but am sure people interested in your topic can google you. Since you did not address my answers to your previous comments, I consider this discussion closed. Not because we are afraid, but we are not a site for Holocaust deniers.
Stefan J. Bos, BosNewsLife.
“I am wondering what you want to tell Nikolaus (MiklĂłs) GrĂĽner, who survived Auschwitz. Or you also think we made that up? I know you wanted to promote your link; in general we do NOT promote links on this forum, but am sure people interested in your topic can google you. Since you did not address my answers to your previous comments, I consider this discussion closed. Not because we are afraid, but we are not a site for Holocaust deniers.
Stefan J. Bos, BosNewsLife.”
Dear Sir
I ask you forgiveness.i do not have an auto-info-reply attached to this website.Only today,3.05.2012 I was able to find your words.
“Nikolaus (MiklĂłs) GrĂĽner, who survived Auschwitz. Or you also think we made that up..”
NO.I’m sure mr.Gruner is one of many who were imprisoned in labor camp Auschwitz.
But-after 28 years of researching the “holocaust” subject I do not have ANY doubts that official(since 1909) number of 6 millions Jews is a lie.
Because I do respect you(even the fact that you didn’t censored my website is significant)
I ask you to do what you mentioned :google my name,visit my website.. and read .
And later tell me what do you think.
I will accept your opinion with respect.
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
PS.Something which you could follow in few days:
$1000 reward in “Elie Wiesel Tattoo Challenge”
What do you think,Sir:Where is Wiesel’s tattoo?
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
Dear Mr. Jerzy Ulicki,
I don’t know where is Mr. Wiesel’s tattoo. We have covered a story as objectively as possible.
I am pleased to see that you at least acknowledge that Mr. Gruner “is one of many who were imprisoned in labor camp Auschwitz,” though ‘NAZI CONCENTRATION’ camp and HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR would be better words to use.
We at BosNewsLife are confident that six million Jewish people died in the Holocaust, but even if that figure would be, say, one million, that would still be huge.
Stefan J. Bos, BosNewsLife