By BosNewsLife Middle East Service

TEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)– The young son of jailed Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has celebrated his birthday with his father in prison, Christians with close knowledge about the situation said Wednesday, April 4.
It was not immediately clear why Iranian authorities allowed the visit Monday, April 2.
However, Iran has come under mounting international pressure from the European Union and United States to release the pastor, who faces execution for refusing to abandon his faith in Christ and return to Islam.
Monday’s celebration came shortly before Nadarkhani faces his own 35th birthday on April 11, said Jason DeMars, director of the Present Truth Ministry group, who assists the family with advocacy.
“This is now the third birthday that he has been in prison having been held for over 900 days,” DeMars told BosNewsLife in a statement.
The pastor has been detained since 2009 when he was captured in his home city of Rasht to register his house church, which is part of the Church of Iran movement.
He was later sentenced to death, though a court in Gilan province asked a final opinion from Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khameini, a move critics saw as an attempt to make someone else responsible for his execution.
“To honor his birthday we are asking [Christians] to fast and pray for his strength, wisdom, peace and release from prison” on April 11, DeMars explained in a statement to BosNewsLife.
It was unclear whether he would be allowed another family visit during his birthday in the Lakan prison of Rasht.
Iranian Christians have said that Pastor Nadarkhani has rarely been allowed to see his two children, Daniel and Yoel.
Additionally he had several telephone contacts with his wife, Fatema Pasindedih, said Firouz Khandjani, a Church of Iran council member in an earlier interview with BosNewsLife.
“He did not speak with her about the court order. However he urges his church to stay firmly in Christ,” the church official added. (With reporting by BosNewsLife’s Stefan J. Bos).
Hallelujah! Jesus Reigns, no human will be succeed in bringing down his faith. The Eternal seed that was sown in this Pastors heart is set forever, that no human hand can reach down and pull it out or crush it. This world is not ours afterall, we belong to our Lord and so will we reign with him.
Happy Birthday Pastor Nadarkhani! Happy Birthday! You stand tall, courageous and glorious. We pray that we all will be together when the trumpet blows the final blow.
In the highest name and above all name you will be released and joined with your family.
So much love from all over the world,
I have been wondering if Pastor Nadarkhani had been silently executed; news about him lately has been sparse. Our prayers continue for his release…perhaps as a birthday gift on April11th?! Let’s hold that intention in our prayers!
This is so heartbreaking, love and prayers to the Pastor and his family, we pray for his release and safety and I am asking the church here to join in the fast and pray. Jesus already won the battle at Calvary. If it were possible to let him know he is not alone or are the other believers in Iran….
I will keep pastor Youcef & His Family in my prayers! What an Awesome Man of God & encourager for Christ!
Dear Pastor,
Belated Bday wishes.May god be with you and strenght be to you.For you serve a GOD who is able to do anything .Please do not loose your faith in JESUS he has kept the best for you.Thanks for the courage to speak up and stand for you faith.God bless you and your sons.We as beleivers will pray for you to come back soon.
Praise Lord and God bless you richly in all you do.
thanks for your stand.
My prayer to my God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
I ask in Jesus most Holy name that for every day Youcef is held in prison, satan must release one from his prison. I ask that the love overflow on Youcef and his children and his wife, that all his family be lifted up and comforted as Youcef has suffered just as our Lord Jesus suffered. May the words of Jesus to Paul ring in the ears of those who have imprisoned Youcef, “Why do you persecute me?”.
Just a little note to let you know that we are still praying out in California. Prayer is so powerful.