BREAKING NEWS: Burma Releases Aung San Suu Kyi; Christians Hopeful

By BosNewsLife Asia Service Aung San Suu Kyi has been released.RANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- Burma's military government on Saturday, November 13, freed pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who spent most of the last two decades in detention.

Burma Jails Kachin Baptist Pastors

By BosNewsLife Asia Service YANGON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- A Burmese court has sentenced two ethnic Kachin Baptist pastors to prison terms for "supporting rebels and defaming the military" after they guided journalists around a church which was bombed by the Burmese military, trial observers told BosNewsLife.

Persecution Fatigue – Can We Mourn Every Murdered Christian? (Column)

20071102_burma2-150x150 By Martin Roth, BosNewsLife Senior Columnist MELBOURNE/NAYPYIDAW (BosNewsLife Columns)-- On my blog some weeks ago I reprinted portions of a speech given in the Australian Parliament by a politician who had secretly travelled into a rebel-held region of Myanmar, also known as Burma.

Daughter Burmese Dissident Fears Father Will Die

By BosNewsLife Asia Service 20071102_burmaRANGOON/LONDON (BosNewsLife)-- The daughter of a detained prominent Burmese dissident fears her father will die in prison. In a statement, seen by BosNewsLife Tuesday, March 10, Wai Hnin Pwint Thon, 20, said “Unless the situation in Burma changes, I will never see my father again.”

Christian Watchdog Rejects Burma Elections

By BosNewsLife Asia Service RANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- Christian rights investigators have urged the international community to reject plans by Burma’s military rulers to organize parliamentary elections on November 7.

British Politicians Urge Release Burma Prisoners

By BosNewsLife Asia Service 20071102_burmaRANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- Former leaders of Britain’s three main political parties have urged the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to make the release of Burma’s 2,100 political prisoners, including Christians, his personal priority, BosNewsLife monitored Friday, May 1.

BREAKING NEWS: Burma Army Attacks Christian Orphanage; Many Flee

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos children-carry-supplies20quick20e-mail20viewRANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- A Christian-run orphanage in Burma near the border with Thailand has been attacked by the Burmese army, amid a fresh crackdown on the predominantly Christian Karen people in the area, officials and children told BosNewsLife Friday, June 5.

NEWS ALERT: Burma’s Deadly Quake Leaves Thousands Homeless; Churches Destroyed

By BosNewsLife Asia Service RANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians were among thousands of families trying to rebuild their homes and churches in northeastern Burma Tuesday, March 29, following a 6.8 magnitude earth quake that killed at least scores of people, Christian missionaries said.

Christians Doubt Burma’s ‘Civilian’ Government

By BosNewsLife Asia Service RANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- A leading Christian rights group warned Thursday, March 31, that dissolving Burma's military government will not lead to "true democratic reform" for the Asian nation.

Burma Kachin Christians Flee Deadly Attacks; Fighting Spreading

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos RANGOON, BURMA (BosNewsLife)-- Churches and Buddhist monasteries in a mining area of Burma's northern Kachin state have taken in nearly 1,000 refugees, many of them Christians, since New Year's Day, after the Burmese military reportedly attacked a church and killed several people, BosNewsLife established Tuesday, January 10.