India Hindu Militants Attack Church, Kidnap Pastor
By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent reporting from India
NEWS ALERT: Thousands Praise Governor’s Assassin; Oppose Changes In Blasphemy Law
By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by Xavier P. William in Pakistan and editing by BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos
KARACHI, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Some 50,000 people rallied in Pakistan's largest city Sunday, January 9, to oppose changes in a blasphemy law and to praise the alleged assassin of a provincial governor who campaigned against the controversial legislation.

URGENT BREAKING NEWS: Pakistan Governor Assassinated For Opposing Blasphemy Laws
By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Xavier P. William in Pakistan
Global Christmas Celebrations Overshadowed By Violence (ROUND-UP)
By BosNewsLife News Center with reports from Vatican, Africa, Asia and Middle East
Vietnam Security Forces Crack Down On Christmas Celebrations (UPDATE)
HANOI, VIETNAM (BosNewsLife)-- Christians of house churches and other non-recognized groups prepared Friday, December 24, for a tense Christmas, after security forces halted Christmas celebrations and detained believers in several areas of Vietnam, Vietnamese Christians and rights investigators said.
By BosNewsLife Asia Service

U.S. Commander Urged To Help Free Detained Afghan Christians
By BosNewsLife News Center
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Human rights campaigners on Friday, December 17, urged the U.S. commander in war-torn Afghanistan, David Petraeus, to pressure the Afghan government to release two detained Christians who face the death penalty for "apostasy", or abandoning Islam.