Militants Attack Christians Across India
By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent reporting from India
Vietnam Launches “Military Crackdown” On Degar Christians
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent BosNewsLife

Pakistan Government Supports Mother Of Murdered Girl
By Jawad Mazhar, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent Reporting from Pakistan
NEWS ALERT: Bhutan Gives Christian 3 Years Jail For Showing Christian Films (UPDATE)
By BosNewsLife Asia Service

China Church Raided, Pastors Missing
By Marshall Ramsey II, BosNewsLife International Correspondent
BEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Two foreign pastors, one from the United States and the other from Russia, remained missing Thursday, October 14, after they were detained along with their translator in China's Henan province during a police raid on a Chinese house church, a well-informed advocacy group said.
Pentecostal Pastor Arrested in Karnataka, Christians say
By Joseph C. DeCaro, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent with BosNewsLife Asia Service
KARNATAKA, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- A Pentecostal pastor in India's state of Karnataka has been detained on charges of conducting "false religious conversions" after Hindu militants attacked him during a church service, the latest clash over spreading Christianity in the predominantly Hindu nation, representatives said Wednesday, October 13 .
China Church Attacked By Angry Mob; 16 Injured
By Marshall Ramsey II, BosNewsLife Special Correspondent with BosNewsLife Asia Service
NEWS ALERT: Pakistan Muslim Militants Kill Christian Family, Attack Pastor
By BosNewsLife Asia Service

Nepal Christians Face Militant Threats And Legal Challenges
By Joseph DeCaro, BosNewsLife International Correspondent with BosNewsLife Asia Servic