NEWS ALERT: China Detains North Korean Defector For Helping American Missionary

By BosNewsLife Asia Service ALeqM5gxKg4t6H-8EcP_Kt-fDm-VeY6tqgSEOUL, SOUTH KOREA (BosNewsLife)-- A North Korean defector has been detained in China for helping an American missionary cross into North Korea, Korean media said Sunday, January 17, citing Free North Korea Radio.

BREAKING NEWS: China Confirms Christian Rights Lawyer Gao Zhisheng “Missing”

By BosNewsLife Asia Service gao_zhichengBEIJING, CHINA (BosNewsLife)-- Concerns remained Saturday, January 16, over the whereabouts of Chinese Christian human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, after Chinese authorities for the first time admitted he went missing amid reports that he was tortured to death, Christian rights activists said.

BREAKING NEWS: Survivors Of India’s Communal Violence Ordered To Evacuate By Government

By BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent Santosh Digal INDIA_-_Orissa_violence_(500_x_342)BHUBANESWAR, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- About 100 survivors of anti-Christian violence in India's Orissa state have been ordered by the local government to leave a local market complex where they stayed since the closure of relief camps.

Christians Shot Amid Spreading Wedding Violence In Pakistan

By BosNewsLife Asia Service with reporting by BosNewsLife's Jawad Mazhar in Pakistan pakistan_christian_oLAHORE, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- Two Christians in Pakistan were recovering of their injuries Thuesday, January 14, saying they were were shot at a wedding party for refusing to convert to Islam -- the latest in a series of Islamic attacks on weddings across the country.

Massive New Year and Christmas Attacks In Arab World, Africa, Asia

By BosNewsLife Center with BosNewsLife's Stefan J. Bos iraq_cristiani_1_(400_x_280)BAGHDAD/CAIRO/BEIJING (BosNewsLife)-- Rights investigators said Wednesday, January 13, there has been "a surge ofattacks" against Christians since December, with deaths, detentions and destruction reported in the Arab world, Africa and Asia.

NEWS ALERT: Malaysia Police Identify Suspect In Spreading Church Attacks

By BosNewsLife Asia Service n_05ongKUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (BosNewsLife)-- Malaysian police said Tuesday, January 12, they have identified their first suspect in attacks on some 10 churches and Christian buildings amid a dispute over the use of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims.

Malaysia Pentecostal Church Forgives Arsonists

By BosNewsLife Asia Service n_p1tabernacleKUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (BosNewsLife)-- Worshipers of a Pentecostal church that was burned by suspected Islamic arsonists in a suburb of the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur have forgiven those who destroyed their building, a senior pastor said Sunday, January 10.

NEWS ALERT: Arsonists Attack Fourth Church In Malaysia

By BosNewsLife Asia Service 741-Malaysia_Allah_Ban.sff.embedded.prod_affiliate.36KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (BosNewsLife)-- Arsonists in Malaysia attacked a fourth church in the capital Kuala Lumpur after a High Court decision to end a government ban on the use of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims, church officials said.

North Korea, Iran World’s “Top Persecutors” Of Christians, Report Says

By BosNewsLife News Center with BosNewsLife's Senior Special Correspondent Johan Th. Bos reporting from the Netherlands korea_north_kimjongilAMSTERDAM/WASHINGTON D.C. (BosNewsLife)-- One of the world's largest mission agencies, Open Doors, named North Korea and Iran Wednesday, November 6, as "the worst persecutors of Christians".

Dozens of Pakistani Christians Injured in Muslim Violence

By BosNewsLife Asia Service pakistan_christians-(600_x_432)ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)-- At least dozens of Pakistani Christians were recovering of injuries Tuesday, January 5, following attacks by Muslim extremists in and outside the capital Islamabad, Christians and rights investigators said.